A Visit

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"Hello peoples!! Guess who's back?" A familiar, treacherous, deep voice yelled from downstairs.

And here comes the moment of my death.

Yuna-san let me stay upstairs and promised me she won't speak a letter to Madè about my presence in his own house. And even if he found out, they weren't gonna let him touch me. I was grateful yet didn't want to bother these miracles that had entered my life with my problems.

Yuu also told me that he had to say hello to his brother even though he despised him.

"I'll be back upstairs in 10 minutes, " Yuu stated as he opened his door.

"But.. Doesn't Madè leave in about 10 minutes? " I asked.
"Exactly, " he winked.


That's a no surprise for me.

I could hear chatters down there the whole time. I kept glancing at the clock hung in Yuu's bedroom wall. It read 10 at night.

The chatter continued for about an hour and a half. They said he was gonna be gone in only 10 minutes, then why the fuck wasn't he gone?

I sat there on Yuu's comfort area, his bed, just sprawled there with nothing to do. The first thing that crossed my mind was to sleep, so I did just that.

I got out of Yuu's room, then took a sharp left turn to my room.

I opened the door, which led to my room. The broad window let the blue tint of the moon inside my room, so now the hue of blue was lying all around my room and my bed.

Gosh, I couldn't wait to get unconscious under the blue.

I started to get ready for bed. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and took off the shirt that wore me.

I slowly crept under the now cyan-tinted cover, and let my sleeping kink kick in.

Just as I shut my eyes, the chatter died down with the sound of the front gate open, then after about five minutes, it closed.

Finally, that bastard got out of the house.

I know, the chapter is short. But I was just too out of ideas. So please forgive me. :'|

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