End of the Day

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I got up from my seat. The whole class was in chaos,all tired and relieved to go back home. Picking up my bag, I rushed out the class. By the way, my name is Yoshiku IIhaya, I'm in 11th grade and a loner. Not much of a force though, I'm just not used to being around people.

As I stepped out of the class, I suddenly felt a presence behind me. I turned around, and to my unfortunate luck, it was Rio Madè and his group of friends. Those guys have been after my blood ever since I could remember, and that was due to an incident that had happened back in sixth grade. But don't even get me started with that.

Madè gave me an insulting look, probably as a sign of danger. I rolled my eyes annoyingly, then glared at him.

"Is there anything you want, or did you come here to harrass me more? " I asked.

His gaze turned to that of a demon's, ready to attack me at any moment and eat my flesh up. He pounced at my face, and my body was frozen in place. He sent me flying to the ground, and that was all it took.


I splashed some water on my face, washing away the blood that came out of my mouth. Those hoes gave me their daily beating, and I couldn't, or can't, stand up for myself.

I looked at myself in the mirror, examining my lifeless dark black eyes. Drips of blood were all over my hair, and my lip was slit open.
In everyone's perspective, I'm a bitchy, drug addicted, goth eboy. But in my perspective, I'm just a regular nobody who roams around school everyday. People can be very homophobic sometimes, since everyday before I step foot in my class, madè and his group of friends call out my nickname, "fag". They know damn well they're not allowed to say that unless they're also gay, but I think their brain is just too small to realize that. And, since we're on that subject, yes, I'm gay. My father has never been an acceptance of that, but he never shows it. My mother passed away the moment I was born, so I've aleays been thinking that I brought bad luck to everyone around me. Believe me, my bad luck will be the death of me. Everywhere I go, either I get in trouble with someone or something hits me in my head, or other issues.

A while later, I heard the bathroom door open. When I saw who it was, my world shook.
"Oi shithead!" Madè said with a smirk.
I only knew one thing, and that was that today was going to be my death day.

Madè attacked my already ruined face, and I was sent to the ground on my ass. I yelped, then looked up. Madè and his group of friends were circled around me like a bunch of vultures, ready to attack my body. One of madè's friends came up to me, his hand in his pocket. He pulled something out, and as I realized what it was, it was too late.

Madè's other friends rushed to my back, holding me tightly. I tried to escape from their grip, but it was too late for me. Madè kneeled down on one foot with a devilish grin on his face. I was so petrified at the thought of being killed. My heart was racing a hundred miles per minute, and my mind was numb.

Madè's friend, the one who was holding that thing, came up to me and sat on his knees next to madè. He slapped me on my neck, and I felt something on a position in my neck. I didn't feel anything really, so I thought they were just trying to trigger me. Madè threw me a punch, and I felt my nose bleeding. But just then, something else was acting up on my body. I felt numb, and my head was spinning. Everything around me became blurry, my body ached from every inch.

Madè grabbed me by my collar, and I was on the floor on my back. My head hit the cold hard ground, and I felt even more numb. Somehow, I couldn't hear or feel anything. I looked around, and I saw madè get up and hit my stomach with his foot. It was pointless though, since I didn't feel anything. But then, I felt something in my stomach build up, and it was starting to go up my throat. I quickly got up to go to the toilet, but those hoes grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards the wall. I couldn't hold the thing in my stomach any longer, and I vomited on the ground. Madè gave me a scrunched disgusted look, but I glared at him and told him to go shove a whole desk up his ass. I knew I had to shut my mouth, because my joke backfired worse than I thought it would. He pulled something out of his pocket, and my eyes widened when I realized what it was; a damn pocket knife.

I was sitting laid back on the bathroom floor, blood dripping from my head. One side of my face was legit covered in blood, and my eyes were in a real shitty state. My arms, legs, everywhere in general was bruised. My body was screaming in agony. My brain was out of its usual spot, since I couldn't feel it in my head and I couldn't think straight. The only thing I could think of was..

Ending my life.

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