Love at first sight?

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Ending my life would be best for everyone anyway, no one likes me and I'm way too stupid to live. I'm gay, I'm unholy just like they say, I belong in hell just like they say.

My eyelids became heavy, and I was starting to doze off. But then, I heard the bathroom door open again, and my fear got the best of me.

That was all it took.

"PLEASE!!! I BEG YOU, DON'T HURT ME!!!! I DID NOTHING WRONG!!" I screamed in fear. I knew I sounded pathetic, but there wasn't really much of a choice for me to protect myself except begging for mercy.

I covered my head with my arms, and my body was shivering in agony.

I heard footsteps coming in my direction, and my body started shaking and screaming in fear. I was cursing under my breath, no knowing what was coming for me.
After the footsteps stopped, I suddenly felt the presence of more than five people in front of me. But I didn't dare look, not even sneak a peek. I was way too scared. But then, someone spoke up, and I looked his way.
    "Hey, are you okay?!" He asked, worry and concern in his voice.
I looked up at him, and my eyes widened at his sight.

It was Rio Yuu, Madè's brother and the complete opposite of Madè. Unlike that fucking whore, Yuu was popular, cool, and most of all, really cute. He was short with short light brown hair, and his face resembled that of a puppy's. He had wide cute brown eyes, and his face was too small for a 11th grader. His cheeks were rosy red, and his skin looked as smooth as paper. If only he was also gay. But of course he wasn't, considering the fact that the whole school knew him.

I almost freaked out when I snapped out of my gaze. Oh fuck, he caught me examining him.

"Is something wrong? Who did this to you?" He said, bending his neck in confusion and worry.

He reached for my face, and I felt my heart fluttering, something I haven't felt before.

He started sliding his tiny warm hand onto my skin, and I tried my best not to show how much I was blushing.

He started inspecting me, and his worried expression quickly changed as he removed my front hair from my eyes. His expression turned from concern to impression. His eyes widened and sparkled, and his face lit up as he mouthed 'woahhhh'.

He kept his expression like that for more than 5 minutes, and finally, he spoke.

"Do you wanna go to the nurse? Or do you need me to help you?" He said, bending his neck again with a smile. Honestly I didn't really mind him smiling because his smiles were already healing my wounds.

"Uh.. N-no t-hanks. I-im f-fine," I stuttered, my voice crackimg with every word.

"No, I think you need help, you don't look alright to me," he said, his lips both puffed out, making him look like a little lost puppy.

I nodded, but only because I wanted to be around him for a while.

He helped me up, giving me shivers down my spine in the process only be touching my hand. He put my arm around his shoulder, while he put his other arm around my back for support. He was killing me only in this simple pose.

We finally reached the nurse's office, only to realize she wasn't there. Yuu groaned in frustration, but he gave me a bright lit look.

"Why don't we get you home? Maybe after some rest you can go to the hospital," he said while looking at me.

That was again the last straw.

"NO!! PLEASE I BEG YOU, DON'T SEND ME THERE!! I'D RATHER DIE THAN GO BACK TO THAT FUCKING MONSTER!!!" I screamed on my knees, my hands grabbing my hair.

Yuu quickly kneeled down in front of me, and he grabbed my shoulders and lifted my chin up.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry yatchan, but there's nowhere else to go, " he said worriedly.



My cheeks turned red at the sound of that nickname, but at the same time, no one has called me that before.

I was really.... mesmerized.

"W-well..." I mumbled, knowing he was right.

I looked up at him, his face worried and his lips puffed out again. I could almost hear the spinning wheels in his brain trying to figure out where I could stay.

"OH!! I found it!! Maybe.... you could spend a night or two at my place. Wht do you think?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

My brain started jumping around in excitement, and my heart was racing a hundred miles per hour.

"Umm.. Is that really o-ok to you?" I asked, happiness obvious in my voice.

"Yep!! Why do you think I'll offer it then? " he asked trying g to make himself sound confused but turned out to be cute.

I really wanted to go, but deep down inside me, something pulled me back. I then realized what pulled me back, and that was...

Yuu's older brother.

I was sure that if I stayed even one day there, I would be dead in a split second.

"Um, no it's a-alright, I think I-I'll pass.. " I stuttered quietly, even though I regret saying that.

Yuu frowned, probably upset.

"Come on, it'll be fun, I promise!! " he said, giving me a cute grin of hope.

I really really wanted to go, but my fear of Madè held me back.

"No, thanks for the offer though, " I said, giving him a reassuring smile.

Fuck you IIhaya.

"But you have nowhere else to go!!" Yuu said, still wearing a frown.

I knew that, and it threw me for a loop. I really didn't know where else to go or stay at.

"Umm, if I c-could, I'll find a hotel," I said, worry in my voice.

"But.. What if you have no money?" He asked.

He was right.

"Uh, no it's ok, I have a couple yen in my pocket, " I said, trying to sound reassuring.

"Well, just in case you run out of money, here you go, and you're not returning it or paying me back, " he said, handing me a couple thousand yen. It was way too many thousand, but I took it anyway.

He was wearing a hopeful smile, and his eyes were glittering in hope and luck.

His smile and look made me feel really special, it felt like I was worth something.

"Th-thanks, I guess.. " I guess? I should've given myself a slap on the face.

"Don't worry about it!! I'm glad I could help you. Of you need something, remember I'm always here for you!!" He said with a huge smile.

My heart stopped.

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