Comfort Zone

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Tears.. All those tears in his eyes.

"Wh-what's wrong?" I asked, gripping him by the shoulders with an intention of calming him down. His eyes traveled up to my face and back down to my chest. And, right then, his arms opened and tightened me.

"IIhaya.." His voice mumbled in the fabric of my shirt, now stained with Yuu's tears.

"Yeah? What's wrong, did I do something? Or am I being rude? " my overthinking instinct started kicking in, and a hundred thoughts coursed through my head.

"N-No!! It's not like that, it's just.. " pausing, his eyes reliefed to my face, and looked me up and down.

"I.. I feel bad for you.. " he stated in his humble voice.


"Wait, what? You feel bad for me?" Shock ran through my body. Why, in the world, would someone even feel bad for me? What am I to feel bad for?

"And.. Why do you feel bad for me?" I asked.

His head hurled up, and those eyes were full of confusion, anger and frustration. 

"Have you even noticed yourself, yatchan? Do you even know for yourself what you're going through? If you don't, then I will tell you!"

If I knew his anger state was like that, I would've been his friend for a long time.

"But even if I'm going through anything, it's not like I can do anything about it," I tried to reassure him not to worry, and also to know that I'm not anything to feel bad about.

However, though, he did not seem to take it.

"Listen Yuu, I might have problems and all that, but I can handle them all. If I'm going through anything, you first make sure you don't have problems of your own, then put all your concern and worry on me, " honestly when it comes to advice, I'm the worst one to come to. But for Yuu, I can see giving advices as a future career.

All that advice had gone into his ear but not his mind.

There was an awkward moment of silence.

"Yatchan... Will you promise me something? " he muffled in my shirt a while later, then locked eye contact with me.

"Sure, anything, " I tried to muster a smile.

"Promise me.. You'll let me help you from now on. Just like how I have to tell my parents everything that happens at school, you will tell me everything that has happened to you in the past, understood?" He scolded.

"I guess.." I mumbled.

"Then.. " he paused. His hand opened up in the air, offering a handshake. "I'm looking forward to being your friend!" His face brightened, his eyes sparkled, and his expression had a smile on him.

My hands traveled through the air as I shook his hand. The warmth and smoothness of his skin had already calmed me down and healed my wounds.

I couldn't ask for anything more.

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