Blue Rain

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(IIhaya's POV)

I finally got out of school. What happened in that bathroom was so new. No one, and I mean no one, has ever said that he or she is going to stay by my side. Not even my own father. My heart was racing, mostly because of excitement and flutter. I couldn't stop thinking about him, not for a second. If he was gay, I wouldn't be able to control my happiness.

As I was limping down a pavement, a drop of water landed on my nose. Then another one came down, and it started to rain.

I sighed, then reached for my hoodie hat and put it over my head. It then REALLY started to rain, and my hat drenched in a matter of seconds. I rushed over to a nearby camp, trying to protect myself from getting wet.

I stayed there for about fifteen minutes, and it was starting to get dark. Even though it was only five thirty, the weather made it look like it was eight o'clock in the evening.

I slid down the wall behind me, frustrated. I put my head in my arms and knees, and the last thing I could remember was dozing off.


"IIHAYA!! " a low humble sound called out my name.

My eyes slowly shot open, and I looked up.

I froze.

"Oi there punk!" Madè grinned, his face twitching.

My heartbeat stopped. My body stopped functioning, and instead started shivering.

"Where were you after I beat the living shit outta ya in the bathroom? " he snorted.

Of course I didn't reply.

"ANSWER ME!!! " he screamed, causing me to flinch.

"U-uh.. " I couldn't form any words, all I could do was stutter.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He said, scoffing.

I started shaking, shaking at the thought of what the future held for me.

"I guess if you can't answer, then I'll make you speak up, " he said, changing his expression to a demon's.

I winced at what he said, cursing the universe for making this happen to me.

He lunged for my face, and I froze in place. He gave me a good fist, and that was it.


"Know your place, IIhaya. You're not meant to be here. So don't be mad at me for doing this to you, since I'm just helping you, understood?" Madè said, sitting on his tip toes. He finished giving me his beating, and made me lie down on the ground.

He and his friends finally left, and left me there in bruises.

I got up, and started limping towards nowhere. I was thinking of finding somewhere to stay at. I finally found it, and that was the cafe across the street, three blocks from where I was.

As I reached, I looked through the large window that showed displays, and sure enough, she was there.

I opened the door, startling Miko. Miko was a kind old lady, that sold sweets and bakery, that sort of thing. I have known her for over two years, and I was glad that she was comfortable around me.

"IIhaya!! Such a pleasure t-" she paused as she saw me, and her eyes widened at my sight.

"Oh my god, IIhaya!! Who did this to you? What happened? " she said worried as she ran over to me. She inspected me for a minute, then looked up at me.

"I-I'm fine, miko-san, I just ran into a fight, " I lied, trying to assure her.

She raised an eyebrow at me, probably as a 'you know you can't lie to me' look.
"Dear, you know that lying to me won't do anything, " she said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a stool.

She took out a first aid kit, and started covering up my wounds. She was staring at me with a look the whole time, a look I couldn't read. Yeah, even though I said no one liked me, she was definitely one of the people that supported me. And the only one.

After she covered me up, she gave me a cup of green tea to warm me up. I thanked her, bit I looked up and saw that she wasn't impressed. I sighed, knowing I can't get away with not telling her anything.

"IIhaya, tell me what happened, who did this to you? " she asked, folding her arms.

I finally decided to tell her, but only because I needed someone to open up to.


We stayed silent.

She finally broke the awkward moment with a long sigh, then looked at me.

"Couldn't you stand up for yourself? I mean, you seem really fit and maybe you could try to at least stand up for yourself at least once, " she said, trying to sound serious.

I'm sorry, but just because I look fit doesn't mean I can stand up for myself, if anything if I do it'll be my last moments on this planet earth.

"N-no.. I can't stand up for myself, " I mumbled.

I looked up at her, and saw her usual serious face. I shifted my gaze to the side and avoided eye contact with her. I looked out the window, the view resembling a greyscale photo.

Just then, I saw a familiar figure.

He was tall, wearing a black rich suit, and carrying a business bag. Two guards were following behind him, keeping him company. As he turned around, my jaw dropped.

He entered the cafe, his gaze meeting miko's.

He turned his look towards me, and his usual serious face turned into a scowl.

"Mr yoshiku! Such a pleasure to see you here! Would you.. Uhh.. Like something to eat?" Miko asked, trying to distract him from me.

Father ignored Miko. Instead, he started walking towards me. He paused for a moment, and just when I was about to speak, something hard and painful met with my cheek.

"YOU FUCKING WHORE!! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" father screamed, leaving me petrified.

"I-I.. " I had no words.

"First you go to school and bully five students, and now you come home late!! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!!! " he yelled.

I watched him wide eyed as he whispered something to one of his guards. The guard was staring at me like a hawk, then nodded.

I bet he was planning my execution right then.

After a talk between the two, my father finally left the cafe. Only, he left that guard alone.

The guard walked up to me, and started staring.

I was creeped out.

"Come with me, " he said. His voice was rather deep.

"Wh-where will you take me? " I asked him.

I couldn't expect another answer from him.

His hand made a sharp slapping sound with my cheek.

I came to terms to what he did, and I was.. Mad. First my own father does it, then a random stranger I have no idea who the fuck he is.

"DON'T TALK BACK TO ME!!!" He yelled. I winced in fear.

Miko rushed over to me, and guarded me with her arm.

"DON'T HURT HIM! " she shouted, pointing a finger at his face.

"Ma'am, I truly apologize for the trouble that happened, but his father told me to look after him from now on, " he said.

Miko scowled, not trusting him one bit. She turned to me, and smiled to reassure me.

"Honey, do you want one go? I don't really believe this guy, but from what I heard in their conversation I guess he's telling the truth," she told me.

I nodded. I got out of the cafe after I said goodbye to Miko, then followed the guy into nowhere.

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