Abandoned, accepted

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"So.. I guess you're curious about what I'm going to tell you," the guard said. We had just stopped at another cafe, mostly because the guard wanted a good place to talk.

I nodded my head, and he sighed.

"IIhaya, I have a few questions, and I need you to answer me truthfully, is that clear? " he asked, his face turning serious.

I nodded.

"So.. First question, " he said, fully focused. "What's your age?"

"I-I'm 17," I told him. He nodded, staring at me.

"Do you like going to school?" He asked. Bro, even a first grader would know the answer to that.

"W-well.. No, not that much," I told him. I left out a bunch of truths of course.

"And reason?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I stayed silent.

"IIhaya, I told you, you can't hide things from me or lie to me," he told me, his eyes narrowing.

"I-I.. I don't like it because.." I couldn't tell him, I didn't find him trustworthy.

"Tell me IIhaya. You shouldn't lie to me, it won't pass you," he mumbled.

I sighed, then looked up at him.

"Well.. Can you first tell me.. What my father wants from me? Or why you're asking these questions?" I asked him, praying he won't slap me.

He didn't.

"Well.. It's hard for me to say this.. But your father doesn't want you to live with him anymore. He told me to look after you, and he won't come back to get you," he said, concern echoing in his voice.

My heart beat stopped. I felt a tear flowing out.

I started sobbing, with no way to stop. I wasn't upset about the fact that my father abandoned me, it was because now I knew I had no where to go to.

"Shh.. it's alright, you're not gonna be homeless, I know you're upset," he said, putting one arm around my back.

"H-how do y-you know?" I stuttered.

"Because.." He paused. "I will give you two choices. You can either come live with me, or you can have your own apartment. What do you think?" He asked, giving me a reassuring smile.
I couldn't think twice.

"Um.. I-is it o-ok if I live with you?" I asked him, wiping my cheeks.

He smiled, then slowly nodded.

I sniffled, then thanked him for the offer. I was nervous, but my heart was also really excited. I could hardly wait to live with this guy.

As we were walking towards the exit, he turned to me and said, "by the way, from now on, you shouldn't hide anything from me, and you should tell me every single detail that happens to you at school, got that?"

I nodded.

After a few minutes, we reached the guy's car. My eyes widened, mostly because his car looked like one of those real rich cars I had no idea about.

I didn't know what kind of a gentleman he was until he reached over to me and opened the car's door for me.

I blinked twice, but he seemed to be staring into my soul so I just winged it.

When we reached his house, my jaw dropped to the floor at its size. I couldn't decide whether it was a castle or a mansion or a villa.

We went through the front gate, which of course was higher than mount Everest.
"Ok, so your room is upstairs on the left. There's everything you need in there, and if you need anything, just tell me, " he told me. I nodded, then headed up for my room.

My room was of course larger than an entire apartment. But what really piqued my interest was the small art room next to the walk-in closet. Nothing has ever replaced my love of art, and will never do.

A few minutes later, I heard the front gate open. I looked out the large window in front of my bed, and saw a figure of a person. I guessed it was a woman, since I could see she had long hair.

I decided to leave that for later, for right now I was going to paint a portrait of something.

I picked the display brush up, and wore an apron hung upon the painting board or whatever you call it.

I looked out the window, trying to find something mesmerizing, or something I would find suitable to paint. I then found a huge plum tree outside in the garden. I smiled at it, then sat down on the little chair and started painting.


As I put my brush down, I heard my name being called.

I took off my apron, then rushed down the stairs. As I reached down to the last step, I immediately felt a pair of soft arms around me. I blinked twice, so confused about who they hell was hugging me.
As they finally pulled away, I saw a woman in her early 30s or 40s, and let me tell you, she was really pretty.

"Why hello there, little guy! What's your name?" She beamed.

"Uh, I'm IIhaya, Yoshiku IIhaya," I stuttered.

"YOSHIKU IIHAYA? So you're Mr. Yoshiku's son?!" She exclaimed.

I nodded.

"Um Yuna, my boss kicked him out and asked me to bring him over to my place so he can live with us," the guy said to his wife.

Her smile couldn't get more brighter.

"Then, I might as well tell you.." She paused. "WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!!! " She exclaimed and came over to give me a motherly hug.

I could tell she was actually pleased to meet me.

"Have you met my son, Yuu? He's not home yet, so I think he's out with his friends again, " she said, giving an eye roll while saying the last part.



"Umm, sir, I didn't quite get your name, " I muttered.

"Oh, shame on me. My name is Tayoma, Rio Tayoma, " he told me.

Everything started to sink in.

"So, does Yuu have a brother or sister? " I asked.

"Oh yes, but he doesn't come over here anymore. He lives with his sister, which is right now a doctor," she said, smiling dreamily.

I let out a deep sigh.

Just then, the door opened.

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