Don't make me weak

Start from the beginning

The truth hit Kinn like a ton of bricks, leaving him reeling; he yelled at him for nothing.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts and brought him back to the present.

"Sir," Big said as he walked into the room.

"Get me Porsche schedule for the last few months and look into the details of the motorcycle accident," Kinn commanded. Learning that Porsche was working non-stop and experiencing burnout syndrome came as a shock. He was left bewildered. Was he the cause? That question really unsettled him. "Find out what he's been doing after work as well,"

"Yes sir," Big replied. He stands hesitantly, his eyes searching for the right words.

"What?" Seeing Big's hesitance, Kinn arched an eyebrow in inquiry.

"The young master went to Khun Porsche's office......its on the day of Khun Korn birthday," Big said. He feels obligated to report this, given Porsch's current condition. He is also aware of the extent of Kim's hatred towards him.

"Okay....You can go now," Kinn said.

Since Porsche has been sleeping for the past few hours, he decides to rests on the couch as it's already late.

Few hours later

"No....No....Please..... Don't...I won't...I won't...Please!" Porsche mumbled incoherently in his sleep. "Please...No... No.."

A voice startles Kinn awake. He glances at Porsche, who was shaking his head. In a panic, he rushed over and gently shook him to wake him up. The nightmare had left him soaked in sweat. Kinn's heart raced as he watched Porsche's body tremble with fear.

"Porsche...... Porsche...Porsche..." he frantically called out his name repeatedly, his voice filled with distress. Abruptly waking up, Porsche clung onto him tightly. Porsche was panting heavily, and his heart was racing so fast that Kinn could feel it pounding against his chest. He wasn't sure what to do. As he hesitates to hug him back, Porsche tighten his hug, which he returns.

"It's's a dream ...It's okay," Kinn said reassuringly. He pressed the button on the remote to call the doctor. After a short while, Porsche's breathing evened out, showing that he had fallen asleep once more.

Kinn places him back in bed, tucking the covers around him and adjusting his pillow. Soon after, the doctor arrived and conducted an assessment, confirming that there were no concerns. He assured Kinn that he would return to check on him in a couple of hours.

Kinn brings a warm towel, and he wipes the sweat from his face. As he looks at him, he wonders what kind of dream could have caused such a distressed look. Kinn had never seen Porsche in this light before. Whenever he was around him, he displayed an unwavering sense of self-confidence and arrogance. He wonders if the mask he wears is a mere disguise to hide from him. The Porsche that he imagines in his mind is not in harmony with the emotions in his heart.


Kinn had to go to his office, but he canceled his morning meeting to wait for Porsche to wake up. Although he stayed up all night watching him, Porsche slept soundly because of the medicine given by the doctor.

"Ahh," Porsch winced in pain, his hand instinctively reaching for his aching temple.

"You're awake," Kinn stated.

As Porsche glanced to the side, he noticed that Kinn was sitting by his bedside; his eyes filled with worry, and for a moment, Porsche yearned for time to stop, hoping to capture the sight for a bit longer. But he came back to his sense quickly. He knows it's too good to be true; kinn won't bother.

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