Chapter 24 - Epilogue

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A/N: Happy Jun Day!! Just a perfect day to finish this book up :)) I have a lot to rewrite in this draft, so let's jump into it! I wanted to end it with something extra, but idk if I managed... let me know your thoughts because I'm really bad at writing endings. For my future plans be sure to read the note at the end of the chapter! <3


And so Jeonghan and Seungcheol got married about a year later, uniting the two kingdoms. Everyone was there on the wedding ceremony. Queen Taeyeon and King Kibum (or Key as we know him), all the staff of both castles and many many royal guests from all over the world. It was a special day for Seungkwan and Hansol too as it was their one year anniversary as a couple.

And in case you are curious, Wonwoo and Junhui were at the ceremony too. The long lost brothers and their parents finally reunited after the two kingdoms announced their alliance. Jihoon was there with his best friend Yoongi, and of course the three little princes, Seokmin, Mingyu and Minghao were sitting in the front row too, even though Mingyu and Minghao were more excited about the fact that there are real dragons at the wedding than the wedding itself, and Seokmin personally had more fun babying the bunny on his lap who seemingly enjoyed the 6 year-old's attention.

After the wedding, Seungcheol and Jeonghan moved to their own castle on the seaside. Dino and Jisoo obviously moved with them too. Dino and Hugo kept the castle warm during cold winter days by keeping the fire up in the fireplace.

And by the way, speaking of Gothel, well... she spent the rest of her life making Otto's life a living hell. The witch was now stuck in her tower forever, and to her misfortune there was no prince to the rescue. Not even in her dreams.



'Noooooooo!!!' groaned the tall black haired boy and shoved the paintbrush on the table next to him. 'I was so immersed in this story!! Why is class over already??'

'It was already ending, that's why I hurried up with it' protested his friend. They looked towards their third classmate who was still sitting on his chair, painting immersedly, sticking his tongue out in concentration.

'At least you managed to get Seokmin to finally work on the art assignment' said Mingyu nodding his head towards the brunette.

'I wish I had a magic paintbrush though like Jeonghan hyung' spoke up finally Seokmin and dipped his brush in purple paint again. The others groaned.

'I spent literally more than two hours making up a story about painting and this is your reaction?!'

'Really, Seokmin, at least appreciate Hao's efforts' laughed Mingyu.

'I'm appreciating! It was a good story' said Seokmin and stared at his canvas for a few seconds. The art assignment, which's theme was 'dream' was due next day. 'It's easy for you guys to say. You are both so good at art! Like Mingyu legit painted a landscape effortlessly and Hao... I have no idea what your painting is because it's so abstract but... you guys have skill' he frowned. 'With a magic paintbrush everything would be much easier' he sighed. Minghao stood up from the stool he was sitting on and stepped back to take a look at his own painting, then instead of sitting down, he went over to Seokmin and picked up the latter's paintbrush from the table where he put it and handed it back to him.

'Here. But don't expect magic from it. The magic comes from inside' he poked Seokmin's chest with his brush. Mingyu chuckled slightly.

Seokmin stared at the brush dumbfounded before turning back to the canvas. Nevermind, he thought. I'll at least try to hand in a piece so I'll just pass this class somehow.

'Hey guys! It's lunch break already, aren't you coming? Everyone is in the cafeteria!' yelled inside the art room their friend Jisoo through the slightly opened door. Seokmin smiled widely remembering the bunny in Minghao's story.

'We are coming! Seokmin's hopeless anyways' shouted back Mingyu jokingly and wiped his hands in a towel. Seokmin looked at the paintbrush in his hand.

'I'm not hopeless! And just go without me, I'll finish this up quickly' he said. Mingyu and Minghao exchanged a knowing look before saying goodbye and leaving the classroom for lunch break.

Seokmin looked at his canvas again. Minghao's story inspired him earlier and he ended up trying to paint a purple dragon flying on the sky. It looked like anything but a dragon, but he decided to just pretend. He dipped his brush in brown paint and sighed, adding a brown dot on the back of said "dragon", trying to add a bunny.

'Oh shit, wrong color' he groaned and grabbed a tissue, trying to get some of the paint off. As he touched the painting, he gasped when his hand, instead of touching the canvas, disappeared into it, the painting around it waving as if he was touching water. He quickly yanked his hand back and looked at it in shock.

He looked back at the painting and putting the tissue aside he carefully reached out, watching in a mix of amazement and terror as his hand disappeared into the painting completely and he could feel himself touching something fluffy. He had to force himself not to scream and run to the wall to wipe his hand. Instead he grabbed the fluffy thing and pulled his hand back.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

A brown bunny was in his arms, sniffling his hand cutely. He carefully picked it up and held it in front of his face.

'Jisoo? Is that you?' he asked jokingly. The bunny didn't answer - obviously, how would a bunny speak... Seokmin chuckled quietly and hugging the bunny to himself he looked back at the painting. It still looked as ugly as ever, but for some reason he didn't hate it as much as before.

Was it magic?

Well, all I can say is that love and imagination can truly change the world.

The End.


Final A/N: Omg, I can't believe this book if over! It was in my drafts ever since I began writing my Barbie Aus more than a year ago, it's so weird actually finishing it up and saying goodbye to it!

Thank you so so much for loving and supporting Rapunzel, I hope you liked the epilogue and the book itself!! It's crazy how we reached 2K reads already!

As for my future plans, I will be back with Seventeen content as there are several requests of Barbie Aus and Disney Aus that you guys asked me to write. However it takes a lot of time writing and publishing these stories. Currently I'm working on an ATEEZ ff, and after that I really want to write another TXT book too. I promise that I'll be bringing Seventeen in the future too, but for now this is it. Or maybe not? A reminder, my Mermaid Au with BSS as the main characters is still ongoing (and will be for a long time!!), so if any of you are missing me (but why would you...?), you can always find me there (and if you're ATINY or MOA then obviously in my next books too)! Also my DMs are always open for suggestions if you have ideas for Barbie or Disney stories with K-Pop ships.

Now that I'm done being all sappy, once again thank you for reading Rapunzel and I'll see you guys some time in the future - I'll definitely let you know when I'm back with Seventeen content!

This is me signing out!


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