Chapter 18 - Escape?

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A/N: Hello lovely people!! Before we'd get started I'd like to thank you all for 1K!! Rapunzel is my first Barbie Au to reach this milestone while marked as ongoing, so it really looks like this is your favorite so far. I'm so thankful, and I'd like to welcome all the new readers! This means a lot to me :) <3

This chapter originally would've been too long so I made it into two shorter chapters, chapter 18 & 19. I hope you will like it!


'Cheol' spoke up Taeyeon. Seungcheol turned to his mother.

They were standing near the wall in the ballroom, watching the dancing people wearing their colorful masks. Seungcheol had his mask pushed up on his forehead as he was constantly looking for Jeonghan in the crowd.

'Maybe you should dance with someone' suggested the queen. Seungcheol smiled at her.

'I will. I'm just... waiting for that someone' he said. Taeyeon smiled widely.

'Why is that boy so special?'

'Because...' thought out loud Seungcheol. 'He likes me. And not the crown. He doesn't even know that I'm the crown prince' he said. A happy grin plastered on his face at the thought of seeing Jeonghan again. Taeyeon didn't miss that happy look and she sighed with a smile.

'I'd love to get to know him finally' she said.

'He will come. I know it' smiled Seungcheol.


Meanwhile in the garden of Gothel's castle Hugo was trying to break the chain Gothel put on him, but with absolutely no use. Every time the dragon would pull on the chain, the collar kept lighting up and it burned his neck. He groaned and fell on the ground, closing his eyes in pain and sighing.

'He won't listen to me' said Dino quietly to Jisoo. The baby dragon and the bunny were standing on the stairs that led to the front door of the castle. Gothel had left to find Jeonghan's lover. The boy was in danger and Dino and Jisoo were probably the only ones who could help.

But how?

'Are you just going to give up?' asked Jisoo. 'You know, Jeonghan wouldn't want us to give up this easily.'

'It's not like I'm scared of Dad. But the way he talks to me...'

'Come on, Dino! If I was able to distract Gothel until you two got back from the village then you can do it too!'

'Really, you never told us what you did to distract her' hummed the dragon.

'I kept talking until she was about to actually feed me to the weasel. Not a pleasant memory' scrunched his nose the bunny. Dino gasped.

'Wait! The village... I think I know what I have to say!' he said.

'What are you waiting for then?' asked Jisoo. He climbed on Dino's back and the small dragon emerged from the ground slightly, floated in front of Hugo, then landed on the ground clumsily, almost planting face first in the grass. Hugo turned his head away, resting it on the ground where he was still recovering from being bruned by the collar.

'Father' spoke up Dino in a small voice. Hugo glared at him.

'I'm not interested in whatever you have to say, Dino' he said. 'Look at me!' he added, standing up and towering over his son. 'She just chained me like some dog! And it's because of you!' he growled.

'I don't care what you think! I'll tell you what I need to whether you like it or not!' shouted Dino, surprising everyone with his acts, including himself. Seeing his Dad so taken aback, he gathered some courage and continued. 'Jeonghan saved your life! And you didn't even know it!' he blurted it out. Hugo looked at him questioningly, but he didn't say a word, encouraging Dino to continue. 'He escaped the tower! He could've just left like that but he came back because I asked him to!'

'Really?' asked Hugo slowly, processing what he heard.

'He came back because if Gothel would've figured out that he left she would've destroyed you!' finished Dino. Hugo hummed and looked around ashamed.

'I-I never knew that' he said quietly.

'Jeonghan doesn't deserve this punishment!' said Dino. Hugo thought for a second, then pulled on the chains again with full force. The burning feeling came back on his neck in a second. Dino and Jisoo hissed.

'I wish I could do something to help' said Hugo looking up at the tower that was still glowing green because of Gothel's spell. 'But I've been Gothel's servant for decades. I know her curses are unbreakable.'

'I won't give up!' said Dino, and probably for the first time in his life Hugo smiled at him proudly.

'You're awesome, son' he mumbled. Dino smiled widely. Then Hugo spoke again. 'Gothel's spells are unbreakable, but there might be a way to get out of them' he said. Dino was all ears. 'Remember what she said in the spell?' his father asked.

'That the prisoner with a liar heart will be forever in the tower' spoke up suddenly Jisoo, catching up on what Hugo was thinking.

'But Jeonghan never lied to her!' gasped Dino. 'He actually didn't know the boy's name!'

'Well, in that case...' smiled Hugo and gestured with his head towards the tower.

To be continued...

Rapunzel (Seventeen JeongCheol story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें