Chapter 11 - Meeting Again

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A/N: Long chapter ahead + some note:

I usually update every 4 days but seeing the tragic news I couldn't bring myself to do it yesterday so I'm updating now, but I'll be back to my usual schedule after this. I don't feel like screwing up the mood for those who might read this book in the future, so I'm sorry if I do so because I don't want to seem heartless either. (I might delete this note once the book is finished so it won't bother future readers.) Also I considered having a few days off from posting but... I don't know. Writing really takes my mind off of things, it helps me cope with everything. And if I can do something to take off your minds of bad things in the world, and that something is that I write crappy Barbie books on Wattpad, then I'm gonna do it. Then I can tell that I did something that made someone smile today.

My deepest condolences with Moonbin's family, ASTRO, Aroha, and everyone who was affected by what happened. I really hope he is in a better place now.

Now let's continue with the chapter... I hope you will like this because - spoiler - they are meeting again :)


'H-How did you do that??' gasped Dino once Jeonghan pulled back his hand with the paintbrush in surprise. On the wall the prettiest sky ever to exist was seen.

'I don't know either!' chuckled Jeonghan. 'I just... thought about the sky above the village yesterday and it suddenly appeared!'

'Try it again!' said Jisoo excitedly. Jeonghan inhaled and thought about the green grass, trees and hills around the village. He carefully touched the wall with the brush again.

'How in the world...?' said the bunny seeing that the brush started painting in green this time. The green lines ran in all directions, grass and hills appeared together with trees. It seemed like the type of scenery where you just want to lay down and roll over in the grass.

'I thought about the hills around the village' explained Jeonghan.

'You don't even need paint! It just appears by itself!' said Dino.

'This is crazy!' agreed Jisoo.

Jeonghan raised the brush again and touched the valley between the hills with it. He only had to touch it in one point and a small creek appeared that was even moving. The water started flowing down nicely between the hills.

Then he painted over the hills and houses appeared one by one with the streets and the bridge between them. He pointed out a building to his friends.

'This is the bakery I talked about' he said and with a small movement of the brush he painted a display table in front of the door. Then he raised the brush to a bit further away from the buildings. The blossoming apple trees started appearing on the side of the picture. Jeonghan smiled subconsciously remembering of his encounter with the boy he met.

As a finishing touch he painted the castle on top of the hill. It looked just like how he remembered.

'Not bad, not bad' hummed Jisoo.

'I've never made such a cool painting before' laughed Jeonghan remembering all the crappy paintings he had done over the years.

'It's because of the brush' reminded him Dino. 'Aaaand, is that the apple garden where you met the man of your dreams?' he asked stepping forward to point at the picture. As the dragon's small hand came in contact with the painting, Jeonghan gasped.

'Wait, I don't think it's dry-' but before he would've finished the sentence (which even he wasn't sure about, I mean how would a painting dry when he didn't even use paint??) something unexpected happened.

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