Chapter 5 - The Boy

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A/N: Long chapter ahead :)


Jeonghan arrived to a huge apple garden. It was near the village, but he wasn't entirely sure how he ended up there. He made a mental note to go back to the village later so he can find his way back to Gothel's castle.

Apple trees were blossoming everywhere he looked as he walked on the fluffy green grass. He enjoyed the sun's warmth on his skin and the smell of fresh wind and flowers filled his nose. He sighed contently.

He stopped behind a tree when he suddenly heard noises. A horse (or rather a small pony) arrived trotting and loud chattering and giggling filled the silence of the garden that was previously only broken by the birds' chirping and the sounds of the river splashing. Jeonghan peeked out from behind the tree.

The pony that stopped in the garden had beautiful white fur and had some flowers clumsily braided in her mane. Jeonghan could tell her owners love her and take good care of her. But what surprised him that three little boys were sitting on the horse's back and now jumped off one by one. They all patted the pony's fur and continued giggling and talking. Jeonghan contemplated whether he should go over or not. The kids didn't seem to be older than 4-5 years old. Where are their parents?

'Minnie, Hao, look! Apples! Let's pick some for Botticelli!' suggested the black haired little boy, probably referring to their horse. The other two kids, a dark brown and a light brown haired boys nodded excitedly. The first boy rushed forward. As Jeonghan was watching him from his hiding place, suddenly the kid disappeared from his sight with a loud scream. He fell down into some kind of hole or trap.

'Oh no! Gyu!!' screamed the light brown haired boy and started running after him. Jeonghan stepped out from behind the tree and rushed there too.

'I'll bring hyung to help!' shouted the third kid who was already back on the pony's back.

'Hurry up!' yelled the other brunette and kneeled down where the other boy, Gyu fell. Jeonghan caught up to him and kneeled next to him.

The place where the boy fell indeed seemed to be some trap. It was several meters deep and was probably masked with some leaves and branches to camouflage it. To his luck the little boy managed to catch a root that was growing inside of the trap and he was now hanging inside, only holding himself with his hands.

'Hold on!' said Jeonghan. 'I'll help you!' he added, even though he had no idea what he can do to help. The boy was looking up at him with teary eyes. Jeonghan reached his hand forward.

'Grab my hand!' he said. The boy tried to reach his hand, but he didn't dare to let the root go with his hands.

'I can't!' he cried. Jeonghan tried to keep his voice composed. The kid can't see that he is panicked too.

'Let go of the root with one of your hands!' he instructed.

'You can do it, Gyu!' said the other kid next to Jeonghan. Gyu looked up at them, then carefully let go of the root with one of his hands and reached for Jeonghan's hand.

'You're doing great!' assured him Jeonghan. Finally Gyu's small hand reached Jeonghan's bigger one. He caught the boy's hand and with all his strength he pulled him up while Gyu supported himself with his legs on the wall of the trap.

Gyu was almost out of the trap when suddenly his foot slipped. He let out a scream as he slipped back. Jeonghan gasped when he felt himself losing his balance too. Both of them are going to fall-

Suddenly two strong hands grabbed Jeonghan's waist and he was being pulled back. He held Gyu's hand strongly until both of them were standing on the ground. The other two kids both jumped on Gyu and tackled him into a hug.

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