Chapter 13 - It's A Date

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A/N: I was having a bit of trouble writing this part since Jeonghan still doesn't know Seungcheol's name, but since we know who both of them are, I'm using both of their names, since this is Author's POV so... yeah. I hope it's not confusing lol


'I'm sorry we didn't make any progress today' said Seungcheol.

The prince and Jeonghan were walking towards the castle garden. Jeonghan was a bit skeptical at first whether they can go there or not, but Seungcheol assured him it was totally okay. He was still amused by the fact that Jeonghan still had no idea who he is, but at the same time he really liked it. Because that meant Jeonghan likes being around him, as the boy he met in the garden, and not him, as Prince Seungcheol, the crown prince of the kingdom.

'It's okay' sighed Jeonghan. Seungcheol stopped him betwen the nicely organized bushes and Jeonghan turned towards the other, expecting what he was about to say while subconsciously checking him out once again. The man was really damn handsome. And he was staring back at him, but for some odd reason Jeonghan didn't feel creeped out by that. Maybe because that just showed him that maybe the attraction he felt towards the other was reciprocated.

'Um, Jeonghan, I- I've been meaning to ask you, uh-' stuttered Seungcheol. Jeonghan kept staring at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence with his heart beating like crazy. Is he going to ask him out??

'Here' said finally the other and handed over a rolled up paper to Jeonghan. He took it and opened it curiously.

'Invitation to the masquerade ball for the prince's birthday' he read it out.

'It's tonight' said Seungcheol still smiling shyly. 'I wanted to invite you earlier but I couldn't find you anywhere' he explained.

'You must be an important person for getting invited to the prince's birthday' chuckled Jeonghan. Seungcheol smiled awkwardly.

'Don't be so sure about that' he shook his head. 'So... are you coming to the party?'

'You're inviting me as another guest or...?' asked Jeonghan hopefully.

'Well... I was wondering... if you wanted to be my partner... I mean... you don't have to and we don't have to call it a date if you don't want to-' gabbled the other playing with his fingers anxiously. Jeonghan grinned at the cuteness of his awkwardness and without thinking he stepped closer and kissed the boy's cheek, leaving him flustered.

'It's a date then' he smiled at him. Seungcheol grinned widely and he held Jeonghan's hand in his.

'Oh, I'm so relieved you have no idea! I thought you might be creeped out because we barely know each other for a day but I wanted to get to know you more and I just couldn't get you out of my head and-'

Jeonghan couldn't help but feel relief too. He had never been on a date before - heck, he never actually met anyone he could've been interested in. So he had no idea how was he supposed to show towards the boy that he wants to get to know him. That he is nervous around him and thinks about him ever since they had met - so that he has a crush on him. He was happy the other made the first move.

Maybe this date at the masquerade party will change some things in his life. Maybe the boy can help him escape Gothel for real.

As they were standing there, clearly having a moment, unexpectedly they heard a sparkling sound and suddenly both of them could see a purple patch from the corner of their eyes. Jeonghan gasped as he turned there and saw Dino appear out of nowhere.

'Huh?!' gasped the baby dragon. Seungcheol and Jeonghan let go of each other's hands in their surprise. 'Success! I did it! OMG I did it!' yelled Dino happily and started giggling.

'Back off!!' yelled suddenly Seungcheol, realizing that a dragon was in the garden - no matter that the dragon was barely 6ft tall, it's still a dragon. Even though the prince was mocked by his guard friends many times for being a scaredy cat, he wanted to protect Jeonghan. He pushed the blonde boy behind himself, shielding him with his body and grabbed his sword. Dino just stared at him with confused eyes.

'No!' Jeonghan put his hand on the boy's shoulder and pulled him back. 'He is my friend!'

'Yeah! And watch out for that stick' warned Dino, pushing the sword out of the way with ease. 'Someone might get injured!'

'Y-Your friend is a... dragon?' asked Seungcheol weirdly as he lowered the sword. Dino rolled his eyes.

'Rude! How am I going to accept you as my brother-in-law if you're being like this?' he exclaimed. Jeonghan gasped.

'Dino! Don't be disrespectful! And... what are you talking about?!'

'Isn't he the hot dude you were talking about yesterday?' asked Dino. Jeonghan felt blush creep up his cheeks and he hid his face in his palms.

'N-No! I mean yes! I mean... I didn't word it like that!' he protested. Seungcheol, despite still being a bit weirded out, smiled amusedly.

'Okay, we don't have time for this! Hannie, you need to come back, Gothel's on the way!' whispered Dino. Jeonghan excused himself to Seungcheol and walked aside with Dino. The dragon looked at him with fear in his eyes.

'What's going on?' asked Jeonghan.

'If Gothel finds out you're gone god knows what she will do to my father! He is supposed to guard your room! Please! She could even kill him!' begged Dino. Jeonghan nodded, understanding his friend's intentions. He turned back to Seungcheol who was still looking at him. As they made eye contact, the other's eyes lit up. Jeonghan smiled.

'I need to go now! It's an emergency' he explained. 'I'll see you tonight!' The other stepped closer.

'I'll pick you up-'

'No, you really don't have to' cut him off quickly Jeonghan. 'I'll see you at the party. I'll explain everything I promise!' he added. Seeing the other's slightly disappointed face he quickly ran back to him and kissed his cheek once again. A smile spread on Seungcheol's face.

'I'll look for you' he promised. 'I know I'll find you easily behind the mask' he added. Jeonghan looked at him questioningly. As an answer the boy ran his fingers through Jeonghan's blonde hair affectionately. Jeonghan felt himself leaning into the other's touch. 'Your hair will betray you' smiled the boy, making Jeonghan freak out on the inside. He wanted nothing more than to kiss the other boy, but instead he just quickly squeezed his hand and turned around, running after Dino who was already on his way out of the garden, floating about a meter above the ground with his small wings. Jeonghan caught up to him.

'Jisoo is distracting her' explained Dino. Jeonghan nodded as the two of them turned the corner and ran down a small flight of stairs, ending up behind a random wall that had a wooden door on it.

'How are we supposed to go back?' wondered Jeonghan. Then he quickly realized how he ended up here in the first place and reached in his pocket.

'The brush' said the two of them in sync. Jeonghan turned towards the door.

'I'll come back to clean it up later' he muttered.

Then he inhaled deeply and imagined the tower, raising the paintbrush to the door.

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