5_2. Human Canvas

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Hope POV.

Dancing in a club was one of the forbidden pleasures for me , Hades would never let me be in a place like this and Sam stayed with us for the past few days , as a stacker he never let us even talk alone but today he was nowhere to be found . We finally found some time to be free so now I'm here vibing with the music rhythm so close to Kyros that I can feel his body heat on mine and his hand was traveling on my hips.

"You are damn sexy in this dress!" Kyros whispered into my ear, yes of course it was sexy for him because it was his choice.

The DJ ruined everyone's mood by pausing the music to announce something "Ladies and gentleman , our golden couple Hades and Elima King are here!" The crowd screamed and whistled for them.

Wow Hades King brought his wife to a night club (?)  all his strict shit was for me , I hate being around them but they always find a way to distract me! "Calm down Hope , he will just sit there for the night!" Kyros tried to convince me to stay there , but I was done watching the happy couple. Especially when his wife had the same outfit as me!

He was smiling to everyone like a celebrity , I wanted to slap the stupid smile out of him but everyone would blame me for that. So leaving was a better option.

I barely made it out when Hades' voice stopped me "Are you running away from me again!" I turned around to face him , no matter how mad I am , those blue eyes could stop me at any moment. "Why would I run away from you ? Even though you're not that handsome or a gentleman , I don't see any reason to avoid you!"

"Haha , are we playing the opposite game?" His selfish smirk was still the same , I ignored him and walked away. I could feel the fresh air on my skin when Kyros rushed to me. "Hope , we should stay with Hades tonight!" I raised my eyebrow curiously , why would I stay with my enemies?

"He said if we go back there he will bring his ship , so we can leave this island !" Kyros was fooled by Hades' empty promises but I couldn't say no to him because he did so much for me and this is the first time he asks for something.

I nodded "but if he didn't do that you should cook for me!" I made a deal with Kyros and walked back to the club , music was playing again and everyone was dancing  on the dance floor ! Hades and Elima were sitting on the second floor where they could watch everyone while enjoying their drink.

So like Hades King ! He made his kingdom even on this small island. I walked up the stairs as slow as a turtle , "I thought you're planning to join us for breakfast!" Hades mocked me again , what's wrong with him.

"I can leave if you don't like my pace." I stepped toward the stairs to go back but Kyros held my hand , "please!"

I sighed and sat on the big armchair in front of Hades and Elima , "what's up Elima ? Did you drop something?" I noticed her avoiding me since the moment they entered the night club , I just found the right time to enjoy her panic.

"She is so clumsy, look at her swollen head ! she hit it against the wall." Hades blamed her , was he worried about her !  "The wall must be more careful!"

Kyros was laughing awkwardly , he must feel bad about being here , like a third wheel . but I preferred Elima to feel like that, not him.

After a few minutes of silence , Hades started his nonsense again "I wouldn't let my wife wear something like that!" He was pointing to my short black dress. His ways were showing step by step.

"Your wife is wearing exactly the same dress!" I could feel Elima getting uncomfortable , Hades looked speechless for a moment but then continued "but everyone is looking at you!"

"That's because my boyfriend has good taste , he bought the dress that's JUST RIGHT FOR ME!" I said the last part unnecessarily loud for Elima to hear , and understand I'm better.

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