Normal evening with Rob!

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*bus arrives at Gumball's house and doors open*
Andrea: *stands up from her seat and walks down the aisle*
Masami: *stares at her while she leaves with the others*
Andrea: *walks down the stairs out of the bus and walks up to the entrance*
Gumball: Andreaa!! *jumps out of the bus as well and approaches her* Remember, it would be better if we opened it!
Andrea: Silly, I know that you guys should do that! Just thought the family would have known me by now, heh!
Darwin: I wonder why you're so happy today... Is it because your day was better than the rest?
Andrea: Of course it was!! *glitch aura spazzes out in yellow* Why wouldn't it be? *grins while waiting for Gumball to open the door*
Gumball: *opens the door* Mooom!! We're hooome!
Nicole: Welcome back, kids! How was school?
Gumball: It was great! A little better than most school days!
Anais: Seems like Andrea liked it for the most part. *looks at Andrea walking inside happily*
Nicole: You must have slept well, haven't you?
Andrea: Never slept good in a loooong while! Feels more nicer when my dad isn't throwing a tantrum in the house! Haha! *walks upstairs with a smile on her face*
Darwin: Yep. She's really happy, I can tell.
Anais: Though it's questionable... Is she afraid of something bad happening to ruin it? Or is it just trauma she's trying to avoid?
Gumball: That's what I've been thinking...
Darwin: Never mind that, Anais! Like I said, she's really happy because she had a better day than the last ones she had!
Anais: Oh well, whatever you say then. *puts her backpack besides the stairs and unzips it rummaging through it* Any plans for dinner, Mom?
Nicole: Not yet, but soon I'll let you know when it's ready!
Gumball: *stares upstairs for a moment* Mm... *walks up the stairs to the bedroom*

I'm kind of concerned about her... The way I've seen it, I think she's hiding something behind that smile of hers...

Gumball: *knocks the door gently* Andrea?
Andrea: Come innn! *types on the computer*
Gumball: *opens the door slowly* Hey there... Heh...
Andrea: Hey, Gumball! Needing anything?
Gumball: No, uh- *comes inside and leaves the door cracked* I was just wondering if you're okay! That's all!
Andrea: I'm fine! Nothing out of the ordinary! *keeps typing on the computer*
Gumball: You sure? I know you're all happy, but... Um... 
Andrea: *is silent for a moment and stops typing*
Gumball: I-I don't wanna be too bothersome, but... You're afraid of how things could end up bad again like last time, right?
Andrea: *sighs quietly* Kind of. But it isn't a problem because I still have a life anyway. *keeps typing*
Gumball: Aren't you worried about the fact people will question why you're with us...?
Andrea: I am. But it's not a big deal to me. *presses the enter key showing search results on the Elmore StreamIt page* Awww, not much Super Mario??
Gumball: Super Mario? You mean Ocho's uncle?
Andrea: Who's Ocho?
Gumball: Um... That black spider you usually see at school.
Andrea: So his uncle is Mario?? *turns around and looks at him* You mean to tell me that his brother Luigi married a retro spider and gave birth to a retro spider???
Gumball: N-Nooo! That's not what I'm talking about!
Andrea: Ehhh, just a theory then! *turns back around to looking at the screen*
Gumball: Look- I'm just worried! It's great that you're feeling super positive today, but- There's the whole situation about you staying here and what Mom's gonna do to you! Aren't you scared about that?
Andrea: *sighs in annoyance* No, I'm not! I'm enjoying whatever I have left because I gotta! Why shouldn't I enjoy it now?
Gumball: Well... I'm just saying... But you seem like you're trying to hide something...
Andrea: Mmmgh... I'm not, it's just that I'm feeling super happy today. That's all you gotta know.
Gumball: Ahh... Mmmm...

Maybe I should convince her a little better... I gotta keep in mind that she's younger than me and is way more stubborn than Anais...

Andrea: *scrolls down the page looking for videos* I wonder if there's a Legend of Zelda Wind Waker playthrough...
Gumball: *approaches her and looks at what she's watching* Hmm... I see you're trying to search up Legend of Zelmore, right?
Andrea: Legend of Zelda! I wanna see the walkthroughs of one of their games! Wind Waker!! *keeps scrolling down the videos*
Gumball: Mmm... *slowly lays his head on her shoulder*
Andrea: Uh- Why are you laying your head on my shoulder?
Gumball: Nothing, I just feel a little tired on the legs...
Andrea: You've been sitting in the bus for half an hour and you rested your legs quite enough, Gumball. It feels like the only thing wrong here is you.
Gumball: I- *sighs tiredly* Fiiine... I guess you're not the only one... You kind of remind me of Rob sometimes...
Andrea: *pauses for a moment with her scrolling and then eyes widen* If you're thinking of me as your ex boyfriend, then heck no!
Gumball: WH-WHAT?! *backs away from her all of a sudden* ROB ISN'T MY EX!! I WOULDN'T THINK THAT!!
Andrea: Really? Because you always get so sensitive around Rob because of your little history with him! You're suddenly sensitive whenever speaking to me! Haha! Is your soft side showing too much??
Gumball: Andreaaa! It's not that I'm in love with you! It's just that- *hears the doorbell ring from the distance*
Andrea: Hm? *stands up from the stool and looks outside the window* I wonder who's here at this time...

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