My Disaster... But I changed my mind.

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Andrea: *follows Rob down the parking lot*
Rob: *sees a red van in the distance* I know this man from my many timelines. You can find something in there to stop Gumball, but don't tell him what you need the thing for. He won't allow his products to be used for evil. *approaches the van and knocks on the door* 
Van Shopkeeper: *opens the door* What is it?!
Rob: It's me again, old friend!
Van Shopkeeper: Ohhhh! Rob, the famous glitchy villain who wants to destroy Gumball and everyone he loves!

Why does he look so creepy with just those two cat-like eyes? And what does Rob mean by his many timelines?

Rob: Well, the famous isn't just me anymore. Now we have someone new who wants to rival against Gumball. 
Van Shopkeeper: *sees her and stares at her closely* Hmm, another mistake?
Rob: Ehh, don't call her that... She's... 
Andrea: I'm eleven years old.
Van Shopkeeper: Eleven?? The youngest mistake ever...
Rob: Hey! She's just a kid!! She's not one of them! Anyways, do you have anything special for the girl to use? She's been pretty curious about your store.
Van Shopkeeper: Bring her in!!
Rob: Andrea, he's got something for you. *whispers to her* Just remember to use the excuse of needing something for your dojo classes.
Andrea: Okay... *steps inside the van* So... What you got?
Van Shopkeeper: *slams the door shut* I got many things. *turns the lights on*
Andrea: *looks around* Whoa...

So many things to choose...

Andrea: *sees a notebook* Ehh? *grabs the notebook and looks at it* What is this for? 
Van Shopkeeper: Don't write on that!
Andrea: I don't even have a pen.
Van Shopkeeper: Oh... Well, it's magical. It can change the plot of every person's life.
Andrea: Ohhh... Well, I would have drew in this. *puts it back at where it once was* But I need to fight Gumball with something...
Van Shopkeeper: *raises out his hand and grabs the Universal Remote* How about this?
Andrea: What does this even do? It's just a remote...
Van Shopkeeper: It's a special one. It can make you time travel back and forth.
Andrea: Hmm.. *takes it and looks at it while her glitch aura turns red and yellow* I'll take it. I'll use it to take them down for good.
Van Shopkeeper: Well, that's your key. But be careful. That remote can be more dangerous than you think. But what will you specifically use it for?
Andrea: Oh, you know! *opens the door and comes out* TVs, DVD players, maybe stop time here? *smiles while glitch aura sparks orange* AND TAKE REVENGE ON THAT STUPID CAT?! 
Rob: Andrea, don't say it ou-
Van Shopkeeper: No! *grabs the remote and pulls it* It cannot be used for evil or revenge!! Give it to me!!
Andrea: *presses the play button turning on the van and pressing the gas pedal* BACK OFF, CREEPY MONSTER!!!
Van Shopkeeper: WAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! *speeds down the road*
Andrea: OH, SHIT!!! *tries using the arrows to control it* DAMN IT-
Rob: Give me that... *takes the remote and stops the car with it flipping it over* There. *gives her the remote*
Andrea: Whoaa... *stares at the remote*

This is enough to get me to fight Gumball!! It's just the right thing that can ruin his life! But also... It gives me unlimited power! This is great!!

Andrea: *points the remote at a bank machine and presses the play button making money spread out* YAYYYYYY!!! HAHAHHHAHAHAH!! NOW I CAN GET MORE SWEETS!!!
Rob: Umm, please be careful with that.
Andrea: Oh! Hold on! *puts time to night and then to day* WOOHOO!! THIS IS FUN!!! *sees a rewind button* Ohhh! Oh-oh! I wonder what this do- *presses the button but rewinds back fast* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! OH GOD OH GOD!! AGHHHH!! HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME- *presses the play button and stops at the time where she ran away* Huh...?
Her Older Sister: *approaches her and hits her with a sandal* STUPID GIRL!!!
Her Younger Brother: NO!! STOOOOP!!!
Andrea Several Days Ago: *tries to hold in her sobs while tears stream down her face*
Andrea: Oh... That day...

This was the day where she hurt me... The day where I left my family for good...

Andrea Several Days Ago: YOU MONSTER!!! *throws her lamp at her* I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOUUU!!! *slaps her constantly*
Andrea: Heh... I was the monster to them because they were stupid... But they were the monsters...
Andrea Several Days Ago: I SAID GO AND DIE IN HELL, YOU MONSTER SISTER!!! *opens the door and runs out of the house*
Her Older Sister: ANDREA, GET BACK HERE!! *runs down the stairs following her*
Andrea: Stupid bitches... 

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