Bad start to the first day.

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At Elmore Junior High...

*bus arrives at the school near the entrance*
Gumball: *looks at the school through the window* I'm here as usual... Yay.
Darwin: Dude, that's what you always say.
Rocky: *parks the bus and opens the entrance doors* Okay, everyone! Let's get out!
Andrea: *steps out of the bus and looks up at the school in front of her* Whoaaa... I guess I'll have to get used to this...
Gumball: Do you want me to lead you to your class?
Andrea: I-I already know what my class is, but please do! It's Miss Simian's class!
Gumball: Miss Simian's? Ohhh gosh, you'll be dead on the floor from that class!
Darwin: Yeah, she's a testifying monster to us!
Andrea: Oh... But still! Just lead me there! Please! I don't want her kicking my butt if I end up late like you guys do!
Gumball: Alright, then... Just follow me. *walks up the stairs to the entrance*
Andrea: *follows him up the stairs to the entrance*

How is he so nice to me when I seem like a monster and a betrayer...? Maybe this is luck, but I'm not sure if I should take it all in...

Andrea: *enters the building and looks around* Dang... It's full of lockers in here!
Darwin: First time coming here, I expected a lot of kids! But nope! It's kind of empty!
Andrea: Logic? Because I specifically remember that there's more classes... But it seems like only your class exists out of this school!
Darwin: It's a mystery! We don't know who else is in this school other than our own class!
Andrea: Huh... Makes sense. *swishes her hair and looks around*

No humans in this world at all... Is this some kind of joke or something?

Gumball: Well, here we are! *approaches Miss Simian's classroom with the others* The dreaded baboon's class.
Andrea: But she's a monkey.
Darwin: No, she's actually a baboon. Considering she has a mountain on top of her head and is over 2 million years old.
Andrea: Wha- How??
Miss Simian: You boys coming in?! Get inside!!
Gumball: *sighs and enters the classroom*
Miss Simian: *sees her and eyes light up* Oh! So the new student has come! *smiles a little and signals her to come to her* Come over here, young lady!
Andrea: *approaches her slowly at her desk*
Miss Simian: Wait over here while I settle down these nitwits! *stands up from her chair* ALRIGHT, CLASS! SILENCE!!
*class slowly goes silent and looks at her*
Miss Simian: We have a new student with us today! Introduce yourself, missy!
Andrea: Uhmm... So... Uhh, my name is Andrea Naikesha, I came from the East Coast with no family and now I'm living here.
Jamie: Pffffft, so your parents died?
Andrea: Yeah.
*absolute silence*
Andrea: Uhm... *forces a happy tone and a smile on her face* I also love drawing and having fun with others too! And I like to dance!
Banana Joe: *whispers to Idaho* Boooorriiiing.
Idaho: *snickers quietly in the middle of the classroom*
Andrea: ...And I'm eleven years old! Younger, but kind of mature! Heh!
Miss Simian: Wait- How come you're in seventth grade when you're eleven??
Andrea: I already told you my age when I first came in! I'm a smartass, if I could describe it in one word!
Everyone: *is in shock of what she just said* Oooooooohhh!
Miss Simian: Hm... Alright! You sit right beside Gumball, then!
Andrea: Thanks, Miss Simian. *goes to the seat near him and sits right beside him*

SITTING BESIDE HIM?! AGGGGHHHH, THIS IS AMAZING!!! I GET TO SIT WITH HIM!! Maybe I'll be able to have fun with him today or something!!

Andrea: *looks at him but then looks away in embarrassment*
Miss Simian: Okay, class! Get your papers out! We will be taking notes today! 
Darwin: *whispers to Gumball* Good choice, because we always have a surprise test and she wouldn't take a test on her first day...
Gumball: True. She looks like she needs some mental help from what she dealt with.
Andrea: Oh... Mm... *looks down at her legs*

...Or maybe not. Those words kind of hurt me. But the notes will keep me distracted.

After class...

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