Declared as a HUGE MISTAKE.

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You're the chocolate chips in my cookies!
You're the cream in my donut!
You're the syrup in my pancakes!

What... What am I hearing....

Andrea: Nnnnhh... *wakes up and sees static around her* What the... *pulls herself up* Did I sleep for more than five hours...? *rubs her eyes and looks around* Wait- What?

What is this place? Is this a world of static with... Objects...?

Andrea: *calls out around her* HELLOOOOOO?! *looks around* Where am I? *walks around seeing static around her* Is this some sort of alternative dimension? *keeps walking around and sees a tree house* Maybe someone is in there... *runs to the treehouse*

I need to know what happened to me... I have to know it!!

Andrea: *enters the treehouse and Molly* Ehh? Molly? *sees her frozen like she is paused* Ummm, hello? *touches her*
Molly: *glitches out and then looks at her with a smile* Oh, hey there! 
Andrea: Ah! Uhm... Hey, Molly...
Molly: Andrea? Ohhh, Andrea! I didn't expect you to be here!
Andrea: Yeah, uhhh- I didn't expect you to be here too!
Molly: Do you want some tea?
Andrea: Ummm... I don't like tea.
Molly: Oh... Uhhh- Well, that's fine! I got cookies! *hands her a cookie*
Andrea: *grabs it from her hand and takes a bite* Mm... Yeah! Delicious!
Molly: *smiles happily at her*

So she still knows me... That's good, at least... But I wonder if she knows where we're at...

Andrea: Do you know where I'm at, Molly...?
Molly: You're at my treehouse! Where I usually go for tea parties for myself!
Andrea: Nooo! I mean, where the heck am I? I'm in this static world!
Molly: Static world? What do you mean static world? 
Andrea: *sighs in annoyance* LOOK! *pulls her head towards the window*
Molly: *gasps and sees the static* Oh my gosh... I'm in a static world...?
Andrea: Yeah! I just ended up here! How did I end up here, Molly?!
Molly: I don't know! I can't remember how I ended up here either! I don't think I ever looked outside at where I always do my tea parties!
Andrea: With no friends...?
Molly: Well- My friends think I'm boring... But I don't think they think I'm boring!
Andrea: Uhhh... Right...

I think I heard Gumball and Darwin once say that her stories were a pain to listen to... She isn't aware of that, but I don't think she has to know...

Molly: How did you get here though?
Andrea: I don't know... I just remember myself running away from home and then I fell asleep at a parking lot... Now I'm here...
Molly: Why did you run away from home?
Andrea: Ehh... The people wanted me gone because I was out of control and didn't have a real family, so I ran away because I didn't wanna live in foster care forever...
Molly: That's saddening... But you're gonna find a new family, right?
Andrea: I guess... But... *suddenly realizes something*

Wait... Molly's friends could have thought that she was boring... The whole school hated me because I broke up Carmen and Alan for no reason...
Wait- WAIT- OH MY-

Andrea: I-I'll be right back, Molly. *walks out of the treehouse and starts climbing down the ladder*
Molly: Oh- Alright! See you later! *smiles at her waving goodbye*
Andrea: *jumps off the ladder and keeps looking around*

Just... Where the fuck am I? Am I trapped here for a reason?

Andrea: *sees a frog* Ehhh?
Frog: BING BING!!!
Andrea: *stares at it for a moment and then recognizes the frog by heart*
Frog: What? Why are you staring at me?
Andrea: Do I know you from some song called... Crazy Frog?
Frog: I don't know that song! *keeps jumping away*
Andrea: Uhh...

Ding ding pch n daaa bam-ba-ba-re-bam- WAIT, I REMEMBER!!

Andrea: That Crazy Frog song!! My older sister used to show it to me a lot...

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