Attempting a new lifestyle...

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This place looks so familiar... But I can't remember specifically what place it is...

Andrea: Uhh... *sees a car coming* Wait, wha- WAHHHH!! *runs away from the road*
Gumball/Darwin: *falls out of the car and into an area of wet cement*
Andrea: *eyes widen* Wait... Do I remember those guys? *approaches them slowly*
Gumball: MMMPHH!! *tries to pull himself out* MMPH MMPH MMMMMPH!!
Darwin: *struggles to pull himself out as well* MMMMPH!!! MMMPH!!
Andrea: Uhhh... *pulls them out by pulling their legs up* You guys alright?
Gumball: Aaagh! *sees her* What the- Who are you?!
Andrea: Uhhh... I just found you guys here stuck.
Darwin: But you're a human! How is that possible? We barely see humans around here!
Andrea: Uhm- *lets them go and backs away a little* J-Just head back home! Your parents could be worried about the fact you fell out of the car into all that cement work!
Gumball: Oh, right! We need to get back home! *to Andrea* Thanks for rescuing us, miss! *runs along with Darwin down the sidewalk*
Andrea: *looks at them leaving*

Is that... Gumball and Darwin?

Andrea: This- This is the best time of my life! I get to live in their town! I... Uhhh... But how do I find food and shelter? And games...? *walks around and sees a big school* Whoa... *approaches the big school* I remember this place...
Miss Simian: Hey, you! *approaches her*
Andrea: Wha-? Who sa- *sees Miss Simian approaching her*
Miss Simian: Yes, you!! *puts her hands on her hips looking at her with a serious face* What are you doing here?
Andrea: Oh... Uhh...

It's his mean teacher... I think her name was Miss Simian... I shouldn't say anything too private or she might send me back or something......

Andrea: I'm just exploring around...
Miss Simian: All alone?? *looks closely at her* How old are you?!
Andrea: E-Eleven...
Miss Simian: Eleven... You're too young to be roaming around here! *points at the sign* You don't see the sign? Anyone who is not supervised can't roam around here! Where are your parents?
Andrea: I don't have any parents...
Miss Simian: No parents? What happened to your parents then?
Andrea: Uh- They... Uhhh... Well, they-

Come on, Andrea! Make up an excuse so you won't get in trouble! 

Andrea: M-My parents died in a car accident and- Just days ago, my a-adopted mother died, so- I'm trying to look for a home to live at... Because, uh- I have nobody to be with...
Miss Simian: Hmm... *thinks for a moment and then grabs her hand* Come with me, young lady! *walks towards the entrance of the school*
Andrea: A-Alright! *follows her up the stairs to the entrance*

Is she gonna be mean to me like she always was to Gumball and the other kids? If she wants to be like that, I'm leaving so I don't deal with that. I need a home quick before the night comes.

Andrea: *enters the office room* Uhh... Hello?
Principal Brown: *looks at Andrea while writing down on some paper and face lights up* Oh! Hello there! Miss Simian, what do you have here?
Miss Simian: I found this young girl out in the streets with no parents supervising her! She's not enrolled in any school, and she says her adopted mother died a few days ago leaving her homeless!

Keep lying. Just keep lying.

Andrea: Yeah, uhh... My parents died in a car crash years ago, and my adopted mother died a few days ago... So... I-I'm homeless, I guess...
Principal Brown: Oh... Should we bring her into the system so she won't have to live freely?
Miss Simian: Yeah, put her in. She's probably a new citizen with nothing in her life, so enrolling would be a good option.
Andrea: Okaaay?
Principal Brown: Alright. *opens his laptop and types in his computer for a couple of seconds* What's your name?
Andrea: Andrea...
Principal Brown: Last name?
Andrea: Um... I...

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