How it all began.

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The name's Andrea. I'm 11 years old. And... Well, my life is ruined all because of my dad and my stupid family. Long story short, but it all started because of this simple event. The day where everything fell apart.

Andrea: *reads her book at the kitchen table*
Her Dad: *watches TV at the living room*

If you wonder what I was reading, I was reading that popular comic book called Smile by Raina Telgemeier. A very popular true story comic... It was the only book I could relate to since I have braces.

Andrea: *hears the doorbell ring* Hmm?
Her Older Sister: I got it. *stands up heading to the door and opens it seeing a group of policemen* Huh?
Policeman #1: Hey there! *comes in along with other policemen* We're gonna check around upstairs for a moment. *walks upstairs while the other policemen roam around the area*
Her Younger Brother: *looks at them confused while the other two policemen go upstairs*
Policeman #1: *looks at him* Hey, kid!
Her Younger Brother: *slowly backs away and walks to the kitchen table*
Andrea: Ummm... *keeps reading her book*

I bet those policemen were up for something. I was thinking that they were here for something strange in the house, but they were here for my Dad.

Policeman #1: *takes a chair from the kitchen table and puts it in the living room* Mister, sit over here.
Her Dad: Yes, sir. *sits down on the chair*
Andrea: What? *looks at her Dad sitting down in front of the three policemen*

Yep. They were here for my Dad. I didn't know why they were here for him, but it's clear that he did shit behind our backs because he didn't like our presence.

Policeman #1: So that's what you got.
Policeman #2: Look, sir. You're under arrest.
Andrea: *eyes widen and looks down at her book*

He was under arrest. That's the only thing I remember from the conversation. He's under arrest. Well, I already knew he betrayed us all along because of those stupid tantrums and the way he treated us. Stupid father.

Andrea: Umm... *puts down the book and whispers* ████████? Can I use the bathroom?
Her Older Sister: *shakes her head and speaks quietly* No.
Andrea: But I need it! I need to pee!
Her Older Sister: *sighs annoyingly* Go ahead.
Andrea: *leaves the table pushing the chair under quietly and heads to the bathroom shutting the door silently*

Why did he get in trouble with the police...? I thought he was a good person, but he isn't! He did bad stuff when we weren't around and thought we were nothing! Why?! WHY?!

Andrea: *sits down on the toilet and hears the commotion* Ughh... *pulls down her pants and lifts the toilet lid sitting on it*

Of course he was a father... Heh... What a long run he took just to torture us like this.

Andrea: *tears fill up her eyes* Mm... *wipes her eyes trying not to let the tears fall*

I was emotional at first but then I became angry at him as the thought process went on. You'll see later when the days pass after this horrid day.

Andrea: *opens the door and sees him leaving the house in handcuffs with the police* Dad... *closes the door and sits back down looking down the floor while more tears fill up her eyes*

I stayed in the bathroom for longer because I couldn't even process anything. I just let the tears fall and let the anger build up. I didn't want to come out. Instead, I wanted to come out with something sharp from my nails ready to scratch him down.

Her Mom: *approaches the bathroom door and knocks on the door* Andrea?
Andrea: *jolts and wipes her eyes quickly looking at her mother with a fake slight smile* What?
Her Mom: *opens the door slowly looking at her* Are you okay?
Andrea: I'm fine... Wh-What happened to Papi?
Her Mom: He... He'll be okay. He's just somewhere.
Andrea: But where?
Her Mom: In jail.
Andrea: But will he be fine?
Her Mom: It's okay... He will be alright...
Andrea: Fine... *grabs some toilet paper from the rack and wipes herself* I'm just glad this whole issue is over with.. 

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