lost and regrets (alternate ending)

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I can't seem to remember which specific time of the year but I could remember the days when I still had Manny (punk yellow guy) were just simple. Whenever he's around me, he behaves like a tamed wild animal.

Usually, whenever I visit him at his place, all I'd do is lay down the couch with him. We talked, watch movies, have snacks, and cuddles. Now, the only thing left to me from him were memories and photos of us together. When we first took them, we look lively and happy. But these days, when I stare at them, those smiles on our faces were ancient marks of our past and the colors around seem as if they've faded.

"Why haven't I realized this earlier than it should've been?" I asked myself. "What have you done, Manny?!"

I sat down below a majestic tree as I recall details of how I ended up being lost in this woods. The sun is down, the moon is covered by clouds, and I see strangely shaped shadows and hear howls, screeches, and crickets. The creepy dark surroundings bring chills down my spines, as anything would jump out and seize me to unknown. Right now, I'm being captured by my thoughts.

On my way to find escape, my necklace got caught into something. I struggled trying to break free as some more sharp thorn-like things scratched on me. Worse is, the necklace is seemingly squeezing my neck, giving me difficulty to breathe.


If only I weren't overwhelmed by my flooding thoughts then I would've figured out what's going on around me and solve it all out. As I fell on the ground, the necklace falls off my neck. Staring at it, I started to remember everything that happened last December.

Manny took me into a park. Currently, the snow was thick. Despite all the double jackets I wore, I still felt cold. Manny escorts me to a bench below a tree, which leaves glistened sky blue. I watched as he knelt on his one knee. Before I knew it, he takes out a small box and shows a ring inside it.

"Will you marry me?" asked Manny.

I looked around, nervous. "Wait, you're engaging to me?"

"C'mon, it's obvious, darling," he laughed. "So go ahead and gimme the answer. Will you marry me?"

"Well, I don't know how to say this but...YES!"

That time, we made a decision, thinking it'll help us be closer over time despite all the misunderstandings we had. Well, after all, we always forgive each other after arguing. Back then, we were also unaware that it's not all the time that we could be always together. That someday, something will come and then we'd fall like Atlantis, like a poorly constructed building in an earthquake, like the world around me when I've realized what I've jumped into.

On my birthday, when he came to visit me in my apartment, we decided to talk about our future. The future that never ever came, was non-existent as of unicorns and mermaids. Manny was as excited as I am. I remember vividly the happy tone in his voice and the sweet smile on his face.

"Can you believe it? In few months' time, we get to legally live in the same roof!" he remarked joyfully.

"Oh surely I can't wait," I replied.

"Imagine being away from your damn homophobic strict father and being able to do things you love, which includes me," Manny said with a wink.

I giggled. "Oh stop it!"

"Oh and by the way, I forgot to give you something," he remarked while digging into his green shirt below his ragged denim vest.

Manny pulls out a necklace. It consists of thin metal string with a tin symbol of the hard rock hand sign in the middle. He grabs one of my hands, forces it open and puts the necklace in it.

Dhmis Short Stories Fanfiction (mostly about yellow guy)Where stories live. Discover now