past love, future love

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A/n: if you hate selfcest, simply don't read this story and don't fucking report me bc I'm completely innocent and I see nothing wrong with self love

There was once a friendly and optimistic blue-haired 18-year-old boy named Manny who lives in a small town. He's notably wearing overalls with yellow shirt and black shoes. Besides his bubbly personality, he also tend to be clumsy, both physically and mentally. He also have a quite fragile heart. But despite that, he still continued to live the best of his life.

One day, as Manny was walking by a bridge while humming the tune of Welcome To New York by Taylor Swift, one of his feet accidentally lopsided on its own, causing him to stumble towards the stone fence of the bridge leading to the river below.


Before he could fall to his death, someone grabs him and pulls him away from the edge of the bridge. Manny turns to see his rescuer. This man has his pink hair styled in mohawk. He has piercings both on his ears and on his nose. He wears worn out denim pants and blazers paired with a lime green shirt, a black belt bearing the word "punk" and a pair of boots. Tattoos covered his arms instead of sleeves and he has spiked black straps on his wrists and neck. In other words, he's a punk.

"Oh uhh thank you?"

"No need to thank me, you should he more careful next time," said the punk, sighing.

He tries to walk away but Manny's gratitude for him was so great he grabs on his arm and insists him to stay for a while.

"I'm sorry I have to go. I'm searching for someone."

"Searching for someone? Can I help?" Manny asked with a smile.

"Well uhh it's a really difficult task, sorry," replied the punk.

"It'll be easier if we do it together!" he suggested. "C'mon, tell me what do they look like? Do you have a photo or something?"

The punk pulls out a photo from his pocket and looks at it for a while. Manny was confused when he was that the punk has some kind of realization on his face. He decided he'd want to take a look at it but after doing it, he laughed. The punk glares at him.

"Oh I'm sorry I laughed," apologized Manny with a little chuckle. "But, I think you're either looking for your twin brother or you're looking for yourself but you have no idea it's in you the whole time."

"In fact, I'm looking for my missing boyfriend. It's been a year and we were supposed to be married the day he disappeared," explained the punk.

"Boyfriend? You're gay? I LOVE GAY PEOPLE LIKE ME!"

"Exactly but now I have to go because I'll be searching for my boyfriend," he said.

The punk doesn't want Manny to help him search for his missing boyfriend but the blue-haired boy insisted anyway. They tried to contact the police but they declared that they can't do that since the punk looks exactly like the person he was searching for. Manny decided to befriend the punk and talked. That's when he realized the punk share the same name as him.

"THAT'S AMAZING!" the original Manny shouted in joy. "You know what this means? We can call each other our own names and we don't have to effort too much about remembering each other's names!"

"You don't understand," said punk Manny. "I'm from the f..."

"I KNOW! We can have matching hair or tattoos!"


Original Manny smiled as he reaches to touch punk Manny's pink mohawk hair. "I like your hair. It's really cool!"

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