y/n and the three bears

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A/n: this one will be a reader insert bc fuck you, also I hope you survive the cringe 🥲👍

Once there was a family of 3 bears living in the middle of the forest. Robin cooked 3 bowls of oats and placed them on the table.

"Alright everyone! Time for breakfast," she announced.

"OH BOY! I CANT WAIT TO HAVE SOME OATS!" Manny shouted in joy.

"But these oats are quite too hot to be eaten yet," said Harry.

(A/n: great now I wanna see Oat-Chan and be my waifu 😔 /j)

"I suppose you were right," replied Robin. "Let's go outside for a walk so that we can let them cool down for a bit."

And so they went outside but they forgot to close the fucking door! As a result, a mischievous bitch named y/n found the house with the door open and she easily got inside. The smell of oats attracted her.

"Man, I feel hungry," she said. "If only my chicken nuggies from McDonald's didn't fell off the sewer then I would've have something to eat."

Y/n followed the smell and found herself in the dining room. On the table, there are 3 bowls filled with oats.

"Ooh! Nice luck, y/n!" she praised herself as she sat on one of the chairs.

First, she tries out Harry's oats. But as y/n dips the spoon into the bowl, the head of the spoon fucking burned.

"Holy shit, who the hell cooks oats like this."

But due to her hunger, y/n tried to eat the oats anyway by holding the bowl up to her mouth. But this just gave her third-degree burns.

"AAAAAAAAA WHAT THE FUCK!" she yelled as she drops the bowl.

Out of frustration, y/n tries out Robin's oats. This time, her burns were treated but then she gets brain freeze.


Y/n was devastated as fuck but she was so hungry, she couldn't help but taste Manny's oats.

"Hey! This is actually good!" she announced.

She enjoyed eating the oats so much she ends up emptying the whole bowl. Y/n was finally full but she doesn't know what to do anymore so she just went to the living room. There were 3 chairs there. First of all, y/n tries to sit on Harry's couch but it was way too big for her. So big, she had difficulty climbing up and when she got there, she develops fear of heights.

"This thing is crazy!"

Y/n jumped off the couch and tried out Robin's rocking chair. But it swings so hard, she felt like she's gonna fall backwards.


She panted after she got off the rocking chair. In front of her is Manny's chair. A simple school chair. Y/n tries to sit on it, and she immediately liked it.

"I'm gonna enjoy being in school all day in this chair," said y/n. "But despite that, I'd still won't enjoy math. Math is bullshit."

Y/n enjoyed sitting on it so much, she accidentally breaks the chair. "DAMNIT! Now I know why I should go on a diet."

Out of boredom, she went upstairs. There, she saw 3 beds. Y/n jumps on Harry's bed but accidentally hits and hurts her head. Not on the wood of the bed but on the mattress itself.

"SON OF A BITCH! I don't recommend this bed at all!" criticized y/n. "Very uncomfortable, unsuitable for sex, would infect you with insomnia. 0/10!"

She then tried to lie down Robin's bed. But she sunk down the mattress. It was so soft, y/n felt like she's trapped under the fabrics. Luckily, she got out.

"This sack of shit felt like you'd drown. I GIVE IT -9999999999999999/10!"

Y/n was once again frustrated as she walks towards Manny's bed. But her mood soon changed as she sat on his bed.

"This is not too hard or too soft, a perfect balance...10/10!" announced y/n.

The bed was so comfortable, y/n was taken away by the temptation to fall asleep. Soon, the 3 bears have arrived back home. That's when they realized they forgot to lock the door.



"Let's just go in!" whined Manny.

As they went into the dining room, they were shocked to see what the fuck just happened. Harry approached the table and picked up the burnt spoon and observed his bowl that spilled.

"Someone ate my oats," he remarked.

"Someone ate my oats too," added Robin, pointing at the bits of oats that fell off her bowl.

Both of them heard Manny crying. He was holding his bowl.

"S-someone ate my o-oats too! And they d-didnt even left some f-for me!" he sobbed.

"That's horrible!" reacted Robin.

"Let's go find out who did this," said Harry as he walks into the living room.

There, he noticed his couch was moved from its original place. He knows very well the exact position it should be since Harry always sits on it.

"Someone sat on my chair," he declared.

Robin stares at his rocking chair, which was swinging on its own. "Someone sat on my damn chair too."

"S-someone...someone s-sat on my f-favorite chair too!" added Manny, tears falling down his face. "And...and t-they broke it!"

"Don't worry, bud. I'll have it fixed," said Harry while patting the little bear on the head.

"C'mon, we gotta find the intruder!" announced Robin.

Together, they went upstairs. Harry noticed one of his pillows was on the floor.

"Someone slept on my bed."

"Someone slept on my bed too," Robin said while trying to fix the blankets that got misplaced on her bed.

"Someone slept on my bed too! And she's still here!" announced Manny.

He then points at his bed. Y/n was still there, sleeping peacefully while dreaming about burning down Kanye West's house. The 3 bears gathered round and surrounded y/n. Soon, she woke up.

"AAAAAAAAA FURRIES!" she yelled.

The bears watched as y/n ran away. She jumped through a window but survived after accidentally landing on Fred, who screamed "MY LEG!"

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