such bizarre world (part 2)

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(whole story narrated in Manny's POV)

I don't know why but some of my classmates were looking directly at me while the others were trying not to. I couldn't get what's with me, why they're being like that all of a sudden. Even the teacher look as if there's something I did.

"Hey young man, I think you forgot something," said the teacher.


"Look at yourself."

I did what the teacher said and I got shocked. My school pants and underwear are missing and now I'm half naked! My face went reddish orange out of embarrassment and the whole damn class laughed at my reaction. I ran away and hid in a corner, covering myself the best I could with my bag while trying to figure out where my missing clothes could be and how the heck am I going to find them throughout the school without anyone looking awkwardly at me.

"You look really troubled," said an unfamiliar voice.


Looking around, I saw someone hiding behind the shadows. I got scared for a bit and thought he's trying to look more closely at me but he seems pretty nice. He hands me some piece of clothing.

"Ohh uhh thanks-" I said.

"You may clothe yourself and go now," he replied.

I went to try out the clothes he gave me. For some reason, I managed to get dressed faster than it should be. But then I realized something...he gave me a skirt instead of new pants and underwear. I wanna go back to the stranger and tell him I don't wear skirts because I'm a boy but he's gone now and if I took of this skirt I'd be half naked again so I just forced myself to be contented with it instead.

The class was almost ending when I got back. Luckily, nobody minded much about the fact that I'm wearing a skirt. Soon, the class was dismissed and it's time for recess. We all went to the playground to play and eat snacks. It was all going well. I played in the swings and the slide with my classmates and played games with them. But the fun didn't last long.

"You can't join our game anymore, Manny," said one of my classmates.

"Why not?" I asked while trying not to cry.

"Because you're bad at games and you make our team lose!" reasoned another of them.

"Yeah! Go away and never return again, sucker!"

"I'm not a sucker!" I shouted, tears starting to form in my eyes.

They soon started playing without me. I was still desperate to have fun so I tried to get into their game without their permission. But my classmates got angry and pushed me really hard. Then they started punching and kicking me while shouting hurtful words at me. I fell on the ground, sobbing. My clothes got stained with dirt and I got bruises.

"Y'ALL MEAN!" I yelled and ran away.

I ran and ran until I eventually got lost. This school is larger than I thought! I went through a series of stairs and corridors. That's when I discovered more abandoned empty classrooms. I don't know why they were there and why are they even vacant in the first place. Eventually, I stopped by a park and rested at a tree, panting. I wiped both my sweat and tears away using only my arm and bare hands. All of a sudden, a group of boys, who look like bullies, came to me.

"Hey there, kiddo! Wanna play a game?" asked one of them, who looks like the leader.

"Uhhmmm yeah?"

"Alright come here."

I went nearer to them. The boys told me to show me my hands to them. One of them covers my eyes. I felt someone binding my hands together with ropes. All of a sudden, someone kicks me from the back. I panicked and tried to run away but one of them grabs on me. Once again, I've been kicked and punched but instead of shouting hurtful words at me, they were laughing. I don't wanna be hurt any longer so I got up, fought to free myself from their grip, and ran away as much as possible.

Dhmis Short Stories Fanfiction (mostly about yellow guy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang