Cought in the Act

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There was a loud knock on the door.

"Is somebody looking for you?" I asked as I kissed the Spanish chambermaid underneath the sheets.

She squirmed nervously, "I hope it's not my boss.  I could get fired."

I kissed her again as I slid my pants back on beneath the blanket.

A voice yelled out from behind the locked door. "Adam, are you in there?" I couldn't believe it.  It was Tom! I jumped out of bed and buttoned up my shirt.

"It's just my friend," I whispered to her.  "You're safe."

"Adam," the Spanish girl repeated softly, "Now that's a nice name." She got out of bed to hide in the bathroom.  Wow, she had a great body.

"I'm in here!" I yelled back to Tom.   I heard a key jiggle outside.  As the door opened I saw both Tom and Julie standing in the doorframe.

"How did you find me here?" I asked them as I put my shoes back on.

Julie seemed really upset.  I could tell because her eyebrows ruffled when she got angry.  It was rather cute actually.

"We looked for you everywhere," Julie said in her stern hotel business voice.  "When we couldn't find you at the bar I assumed that you must have met Sonya."

"Who's Sonya?"

"She's the chamber maid that all of our guests have been going crazy over."

So that was her name, Sonya.  "I just came in here to look at my car. I saw that the room was empty so I took a nap. Didn't Tom tell you? I just got a new car today."

Julie searched the room like a private detective. She bent down as she checked under the bed giving me a wonderful view of her perfectly shaped behind. Tom caught me staring and gave me a nasty glare.

"You can come out Sonya," Julie said.  "You're not in trouble.  If anyone knows how persuasive Adam can be, it's me."

"Really?" I asked her, surprised by the revelation. I turned to Tom who simply shrugged his shoulders in confusion while at the same time seeming to get angrier at me every passing moment.

"Shut up, Adam!" she exclaimed as she opened the closet door in search of Sonya.

Sonya shyly came out of the bathroom, dressed.

"I believe there are other guest rooms that require your attention," Julie said to her sternly. "If I were you, I'd get started on them."

Sonya headed for the door with her head down but then she turned back at me and gave me a sexy grin. I waved my hand at her politely, realizing that saying anything like "It's been fun, we should do it again sometime," would only infuriate Julie even further. 

Sonya smiled at me as she put her hair in a pony tail and left the room.  The truth is, it had been fun and I did wish we could do it again sometime.

"I love this hotel's hospitality," I said to Julie.

"How would you know?" she asked, angrier than ever.  "You're not a guest here!"

"Don't be so hard on him," interjected Tom sarcastically.  "He can't help it, he's Adam."

All I could do was shrug my shoulders, smile and look innocent.  Tom was right, I'm Adam.

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