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If this story truly began on that hot day last summer when Big Al sort of fired me then one could say that the end of this story began on December 14th, 1968, when Tom's dad surprised all of us by getting us invited to a late morning charity concert at the Ambassador Hotel where Lulu was the main performer. He told me it was an engagement gift. Only the most important people in the entertainment industry would be there and yet somehow he managed to get the four us invited; me, Betty, Tom and Julie. These brunch parties were all the rage at the time.

I was exceptionally excited. I had spent far too many hours dreaming about the chance to meet Lulu, and now it was coming true.

Our table was in the middle of the large banquet hall close to the front of the stage. First they served us a roast beef lunch and then the event officially began. A few stand-up comedians started us off, with Bob Newhart being the biggest name. Then came the crown jewel of the afternoon, Lulu. She beautifully sang all of her hits as I sat there playing it cool. There was no way I was going to show Betty how much I loved hearing Lulu sing even though with every passing melody, my heart ached more and more. The lights came on as Lulu stopped for a twenty-five minute break.

"She is wonderful," Betty said to me. "It's awfully nice of Mr. Davis to have arranged this for us."

"You're right on the money sweetie," I replied.

"Do you mind if I interrupt you?" asked Tom.

"Of course not," Betty replied.

Tom took the napkin off of his lap and placed it on the table next to his uneaten roast beef. He bent down next to Julie on one knee. Oh my God, I thought to myself. This idiot won't give up. How much punishment can one man take in a lifetime? Evidentially it was quite a large amount. I didn't know what to do. Do I cause a distraction then smack him senseless. He's been such a good friend to me over the years, how can I let him do this? I purposely knocked my glass of wine on Betty. She didn't even flinch.

"Forget about it," she whispered to me as she watched with baited breath Tom's upcoming humiliation. Well at least I tried.

"Julie," began Tom as he held out a closed jewelry box with what I could only imagine was a ring worth his entire life savings, "we have been friends for most of our lives, good friends, or should I say best friends? You have probably wondered why I never date or even inquire about other women. It is because of you. I have always loved you. My life has no meaning without you. You are the reason I aspire to achieve. You are the one I want to spend every moment with, and I'm warning you that if you turn me down, I will only ask you again tomorrow, and if you say no tomorrow, I will ask again the day after that. Julie, will do me the honor of being my wife?"

Julie and Betty both broke down in tears. Tom opened the box. I was right. It was a huge diamond ring the likes of which had to cost him every penny he's ever earned and ever will earn. Julie looked at it, picked it up, and slipped it on her finger. She gave Tom the biggest kiss he'd ever had and when their lips finally parted, Julie said yes. Unbelievable, she said YES! The only thought that crossed my mind was that persistence really does pay off. And then I had another thought. There must be thousands of women out there with guys who won't leave them alone praying that this story doesn't become well known. That's all that women need, loser guys believing that they have a shot no matter how many times they say no.

Sorry girls, the story of Tom and Julie will now become legendary.

"Congratulations," Betty said to Julie.

"Thank you," she replied and then she saw Betty's wine stained dress.

"Do you know this means?" I asked Betty.

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