"Maybe I need some help," she says and put her arm around Aegon as he helps her to stay upright. They move slowly through the halls, listening to how Sunfyre is destroying most of the castle, men yelling in pain as he burns them all to ash.

"I heard two dragons," Lyanna start and move her legs with difficulty. Aegon groans softly under the weight of both Lyanna and Dalton, pulling the heavily built man behind him. 

"Because we were two when we got here," he answers, "The other dragon you heard was Vermax."

"Jace was here?" she asks and feels a spark of hope rising in her chest, he must have brought news about the war. Something that might help them win.

They go around a corner, seeing how a big chunk of the castle has been destroyed with Sunfyre standing on top of the building. His golden scales shimmer in the light of the fire as he keeps on spewing out flames around him. His eyes land on his rider and he turns his body to face them.

Aegon yells out a few commands and the dragon bends down low to help get Lyanna on his back. Aegon drops Dalton at Sunfyre's feet before ascending his dragon alongside Lyanna, supporting her all the way.

He takes his seat behind her, wrapping his arms around her to ensure she doesn't fall off.

"Thank you, Aegon," she says over her shoulder, squeezing his hand that is on the saddle in front of her.

"Anytime," he replies, "I can't let them kill my sister. Aemond will have my head," he jokes. 

Lyanna smiles and Aegon instructs Sunfyre to fly. She watches how the dragon picks up Dalton with its big claws before shooting up into the air. She closes her eyes and tries to push the tears away as she thinks about the bodies of her children floating somewhere in the ocean below her. All she wants to do is jump from the dragon's back to join her babies in the afterlife, to protect them wherever they are now. 

"I'm so sorry," she whisper as they reach the clouds and fly away from Pyke. How will her heart ever heal from what happened here? Aemond doesn't even know yet. He will be so mad that she didn't protect them. 

"Where is Aemond?" she asks, wondering why Aegon and Jace were the ones to come and rescue her.

"He is busy fighting a war," Aegon replies.

"What?" she asks surprised," It already started?"

"It did," he shifts around in the saddle, "And the North is losing,"

Lyanna can't believe what she is hearing. They have more men than the South and a bigger and stronger dragon, how is it possible that they are losing?

"Are they still at Moat Cailin?" 

"Yes, they are. They didn't get the chance to move before Daemon surprised them with an attack in the middle of the night. I only heard about what happened, I have not been there."

Lyanna sighs, "Is Jace going there? He has my sword and I can't go into battle without a weapon,"

"We are not going there, Lyanna. We are going to Winterfell."

She almost turns herself around in the saddle, "We are not! I need to go and help my men! I already lost everything, I will not let them lose their home as well."

"Have you seen yourself?" he asks, "You hardly have clothes on and you are so exhausted you won't be able to help them even if you tried. We first go to Winterfell and get you patched up before I take you to Moat Cailin. They will be fine without you for a bit longer. It was you who said that even if we only have a few hundred men, Moat Cailin is so well fortified with the marshes around it that those few hundred men can easily keep away a host more than double their size."

"I am aware of that, but I do not want more lives to be lost than is necessary," 

"Stop arguing, we are going to Winterfell."

For a while, they travel to Winterfell in silence. Lyanna is enjoying the cool air around her, the stars making her forget about everything for a while. 

"How did they get the babies?" she asks Aegon.

He sighs, "One of your own betrayed you. They were taken from their nursery in the middle of the night. Before we could do anything they were gone. Then I received a note that you are also missing and thought to be dead. We didn't have the best of times here at Winterfell while you were gone."

"Who betrayed me?" 

"I will show you when we are home." he pauses for a moment, "I am sorry that we didn't protect them as we should have."

It is not her family's fault, they were all asleep, thinking the children are safe in their room. She can't be mad at them...she won't.

Faces and names rush through her head, unsure of who will betray her like this. But whoever it is will pay dearly for it.

The Wolf Queen - Part 2 - (Aemond Targaryen) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora