My mind and you

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I barely think of you anymore

Only in dreams that bring back the sting of your words

My mind betrays me when I'm at my weakest

It's why I don't sleep anymore because I hate waking up remembering your eyes, even your hair

How we looked the same

Sometimes, as I go through pictures, I see how my face has replayed the way you smiled

It makes me believe I am you

That I am turning into the one thing I've always feared

I don't want people to meet you, so why would I want them to see you through my face?

It scares me how I can look into the mirror to see the person who broke me

You left and yet it feels like a piece of you is a part of me

Every time I open the fridge, I hear your words saying how I couldn't be hungry, but in all honesty, I hadn't eaten all day

You never made food, so I stayed this way

Who needs food when they can listen to the words of every person they know playing in their head?

I've been told I overthink, that I need to learn to trust

People already stare at me sideways, knowing you weren't here

They think I'm stupid

That I won't make it very far but if anything, I believe I know more than all their kids

I had no choice, but to do everything myself

I had known the real world when they had only heard of it and even though I started off, saying I don't think of you anymore, I know it's a lie

For what daughter could forget the one person who is supposed to stay, mainly when they chose to leave 

Poems I write In the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now