Afraid?I wish

11 1 0

January 18, 2023

I keep dreaming of what I want to be afraid of

But I don't even know anymore

My mind has slipped

I want to blame it on the painkillers being too strong

But I know I don't take them

Every day I drag my feet but don't even realize

The emotional breakdown will never happen

There are no responses in my mind

Things happen and so I refuse to be the weak link

But now I barely know what crying feels like

The relief I've heard of

It's all gone

My mind has stopped

I do everything right but realize I'm a robot

How did I get here?

I thought I was heeling for once but I was wrong

I know things have never been right and I always know the fall with happen but push it away

My mind

My mindset?

Both might be broken

So what am I afraid of?

It's not being alone anymore, not after what's happened

It's not being forgotten because that's my whole life

It's not being remembered because some days that happens

It's not death, never

It's not a broken family because I've overcome that

It's not people being blind, everyone is

It's not pain, I live with it unknowingly

It's not the dark, I outgrew my childhood

It's not my body, though it haunts me

It's not not being loved, I know the feeling well

It's my mind

My mind takes all my thoughts at once and throws them at me

How can one be strong when your own mind is against you?

It's her coming back

It's me crying

It's the way I don't know what's wrong

Even though it's my own mind

God intended my mind to help me

What can I do?

It's me.....

There's no other answer anymore

Goodnight....See you tomorrow 

Poems I write In the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now