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January 18, 2023

My skin to dry

My hair not straight enough but also not curly enough

My teeth! They have a gap and so I'm no longer girlfriend material

My nails to short

My waist too small but my arms are too big

My acne healing but not fast enough

My mind spinning but not fast enough

My breathing vibrates but not fast enough

Nothing's perfect and yet the world says I should be naturally

I'm growing but not like her or you





If I don't wear contacts then that's my choice

If I don't smile enough then that's my decision

If I don't grow tall then that's that

Leave me alone


Can't you see your torturing me

Haven't I lost enough weight

Haven't I cleared my skin

Haven't I worn the clothes you wanted

Haven't I learned the makeup you said I needed

Haven't I ignored the real problem

It's me....


I have to stop fixing myself

It's my fault 

Poems I write In the DarkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz