Part 6

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This is going to be a short one.

-A little bit of Angst
- Hints on who kidnapped seungmin somewhere in this part.

Seungmin POV|

I wake up to me wearing some clothes, just an oversized T-shirt and some shorts.

I'm still a little damp from, I'm guessing him, cleaning me up.

I get up and wonder around the place, seeing how no one was there...


No answer... there was a un known door in front of seungmin.

It was unlocked.... and what seungmin saw when he went in was truly unspeakable...

"W-what the heck..."


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Seungmin was afraid, scared. A room of pictures of him and jeongin all around.

He found his phone on a table and some other things of his on the table and other things from jeongin on another table.

He picked up his phone and saw that he had almost 24 missed calls and 23 unread messages from jeongin.

And done! I'll make a part 2 for this but I'm just stopping because I'm lazy. Sorry if its short.

200 words in total.

Would you like to move onto part 6 or part 7?

[Answers in the comments]


He likes him more.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora