A thought occurred to Sky. "That wouldn't happen to include papers listing who sails under the King's name, would it?"

If Dustin is the reason I had to go to the palace and come out empty handed, I going to hit him again. Sky thought angrily.

Edward frowned and turned his head thinking. "That depends on what time frame you want." He looked at her and smiled, "So that's why you were in the Kings humble abode." It was a statement, one Sky ignored. Edward laughed; a warm happy sound that seemed to echo in the depressed room.

"How about for the last ten years?" Sky asked knowing that would include her brother's time in the navy.

Edward smiled at her. Having seen the whole incident that had just occurred outside Sky knew he had a pretty good idea of what she had wanted the papers for.  "Let's just say that all of the up to date information we have on the King we got from your dear Captain."

"He is not my 'Captain'." Sky snarled. And he is not dear to me.

Edward blinked at her his face carefully neutral. "What," He took a deep breath, "What exactly happened out there?" Edward tied a knot to keep the cloth in place. Sky shook her head.

What did happen? Despite all her anger towards Dustin she had done what she had set out to do. She found James. But was it truly what she had really wanted? Or had it been an excuse to escape?

"I thought he was dead." She said.

"Commodore Ashier?" Edward asked and Sky gazed at him.

Ashier? Her mother's maiden name. Sky remembered the name she had given on the Brig and was surprised no one brought her up on it, though she somehow doubted they really looked at it. Not that it mattered now; it was at the bottom of the ocean along with all the men who knew her by that name. Both Sky and James had had the same idea about diching their fathers name in favour of their unknown mother.

That's why Dustin knew him as Ash. Sky almost laughed at how even after six years she was still like her brother.

"From what I saw, he clearly means something to you." There was no kindness to his tone now; instead it held a note of hostility and caution.

"He is my brother." Edward didn't look surprised; he must have gathered that much already.

"No wonder Hawk was so pissed." Edward mumbled.  He stood as if to leave and Sky followed suit.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She knew that she was making good progress with Edward despite their first encounter, but never would she let someone bad mouth her brother. That was how she lived on Rendes and even now, confused and hurt, she could stick to what she knew. Even if she was begging to like Edward.

"Well," Edward gathered up the materials he had placed on the table, "If the girl I was..." He seemed to struggle over the word and avoided Sky's eyes, "with, turned out to be the sister of my arch enemy, I'd be pretty annoyed too."

Sky's mouth fell open. "I am not 'with' him!" She felt her cheek flood with rage. Edward just shrugged at her out-burst.

"You're still the sister of the one man he hates the most." He turned away from her and walked over to the cabinets and began placing back the things in his hand. Sky followed him across the room careful not to knock any of the hurt Cormorants and to keep out of sight of Dustin's men.

"Why? Why does he hate him?" Sky stood behind Edward and watched him fit the vile back into place amongst the others. He turned to push past her and Sky hit the wood of the cabinet door slamming it shut and drawing the attention of the people around them, the ones who weren't writhing in agony.

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