:𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐰𝐨

Start from the beginning

Why was he even shocked?

"You can't be," he says in disbelief.

"What the fuck is with you two? I'm fucking pregnant why would I lie about that? Remi went me to the doctors last week"

"She is" I confrimed.

"Mel you seriously can't be pregnant that's fucking impossible"

"For fucks sakes Asher if you don't want the baby just fucking tell me!" Mel screams with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I'm Infertile" Asher reveals and Nyx stiffens.

"W—what?" Mel gasps.

"I'm not lying, Mel. If you want to see proof I have fucking proof I just don't get how this—" he points to her small bump—"is even ducking possible right now"

"I didn't cheat"

"I know you didn't Mel. But we need to get this figured out"

Asher gently guides her body to his placing his arms around her as he hugs a sobbing Mel.

"I thought you bailed on me" Nyx mentions whilst pulling out the chair for me to sit. Mumbling a quick thank you I sent him a soft smile.

"Mel took forever deciding on this dress" I mentioned.

"And you look absolutely fucking gorgeous in it"

If I wasn't this shade I'm sure by now my cheeks would've resembled a fire hydrant, "thank you" I shyly stated trying to hide the effect his compliment had on me.

After ordering our meals we fell into a light chatter. It was great knowing the smallest details about him and he spared no expense in letting me know.

"I never heard you talk about your father or mother much"

"My mom and I have a fairly good relationship, as for my dad it's better if we kept our distance. After he cheated on my mother with my aunt our relationship practically became nonexistent. I used to dwell over the fact that we didn't have the strongest father daughter bond as my friends but I soon came to terms with it. He never liked me and never will. Why stress over someone who clearly doesn't give a shit about you?"

Nyx nods, "I sometimes wish I still had a relationship with my dad. Or even if we just talked I would be happy. Because he wasn't as bad as my mother but he did some unforgivable shit and hasn't tried to apologize for them. But now I want nothing to do with either of them especially not after what they put me through"

"I guess we're both cursed with shitty upbringings"

"Maybe that's why we clicked" Nyx jokes, earning a light chuckle from me.

"I never got to ask about Noorie? How's my little angle doing?"

"Spending time with her real dad. I know Melody probably told you she wasn't mine"

I nodded.

"If I hadn't adopted her she'd be in foster care. Her mother isn't really the safest person to leave Noorie with neither am I but it's either risking my niece being taken away and never seeing her dad again or just man up and keep her safe"

"You did a great job of caring for her" I complimented him.

"Thanks but I also have to give credit to Asher. Even though he's a pain in the ass he's helped me through some tough shit"

"He's gonna be a great dad"

"He is"

Our food came out not long after and we both began eating, making small talks in between. By the time we were finished I really didn't want this night to end.

As if reading my thoughts Nyx glanced down at me. "I'm not ready to let you go just yet"

"Who says you have to" I stated suggestively.

He grins, pulling me flush against his chest. "No backsies"

"No backsies"

I didn't even have the time to process what was actually happening because as soon as we entered his house his lips came crashing down on mines. Not that I was complaining.

Tapping my thigh I jumped wrapping my legs around his waist as he walked to where I presume was his bedroom.

Swiping his tongue at the seam of my lips. I parted them at accepting the warm slip of his tongue tangling with mine.

I moaned, slipping my hands around his neck as he made his way up the stairs in record time.

Grasping the knob he twists the door open and he enters slamming it shut behind him. Parting, my lips found his neck peppering the cologned flesh with light kisses, gently sucking in between.

"Fuck mama" he growls placing me onto the bed watching as I bounced up and down.

"The dress. I want it off" he demands quickly shedding his clothes and I mirrored his actions thanking god that my dress didn't have a zipper.

Lowering himself over my body he hooks his fingers into the waistline of my underwear tugging it down in one swift go. His hands slid up my thighs; his fingers leaving a trail of fire everywhere they touched. Grasping the back of my bra he easily unclasps it tossing it carelessly to the side.

Returning his attention to my dripping pussy he grins, spreading my legs apart before nestling between them, his eyes glued to my pink glistening cûnt. Slowly dragging his tongue up my silt I shivered, my hands digging into the comforter. "You taste so fucking good mellilla" he rasped before diving in, devouring me and lapping up my juices as if he's been starved for days.

Without a warning he slips two fingers deep inside my hole, his strokes firm and steady making my nerves skyrocket. His tongue found my clit and unconsciously my inner walls tightened around his fingers. Fuck, fuck. My hips buckled as my orgasm peaked, crashing through my body in a tidal wave of sensation.

"That's it baby" he coos leaning over towards the nightstand tugging its draw open and taking out a reel of condoms.

My eyes widened. There's no way...

"I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk straight Remi" he growls pushing deep, filling me, stretching me, making me feel every fucking inch of him. I whimpered my nails digging even deeper into the sheets trying to adjust to his sheer size ripping my insides open.

I could feel his eyes passionately watching me intently, rocking his hips hitting my sensitive spot making me mewl.

"Keep moving"

"As if I'd stop" he states he intense gaze still directly pointed at me as he pulls out and thrusts in again, hips moving hard and fast, arms braced at either side of my head caging me in. Everything slowly melted, only Nyx and I remained trapped in this little bubble of ours, basked in our scents. His jaw ticks, his muscles clenched and his eyes were locked onto me as if I was the very air he breathes in.

"Cûm for me Remi"

And I did. I came in a reel of pleasure that pulled me under and left me wanting more.

 I came in a reel of pleasure that pulled me under and left me wanting more

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