thirty five

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"I miss Penelope." I groaned as I cradled my face in my hands.

"You can say that again," Luke grumbled as he closed his laptop and stood up from the table to grab something from the fridge.

"I would so tease you for that if I had the energy," I mumbled which earned me a middle finger from Luke.

We had spent the last three hours looking into reports and redoing our profiles of the ringleaders. We're approaching the three-week mark of our undercover assignment and so far, we have absolutely nothing. All of our suspects are good at blending in which means that this is going to take so much longer than I had hoped.

"How's it going?" Agent Fields asked as he walked into the kitchen. It was a Sunday, our debrief day, sadly.

"We're making progress," Luke said as he sat down and handed me a bowl of fruit. I thanked him before diving back into my computer. I had learned that it was easier to just ignore Fields than to interact with him.

Unfortunately, he took my silence as a challenge. "What about you Y/l/n?" He asked as reached over me and grabbed a strawberry out of my bowl.

"It's going well." I gritted out and tried to ignore the way he obnoxiously ate right next to me.

"Good. Go get ready, you have a charity event in two hours." He said as he slid into the seat next to me.

"I do?" I asked as I closed my laptop. I didn't remember that being on the agenda for today.

"You do now. It's a closed event with a large amount of our suspect pool. Alvez isn't going, it's a women's charity." He said as he raised his feet to another chair.

I nodded to him and left without another word as I retreated to my room. If being undercover had taught me anything it was to do as you were asked and ask questions later.

I finished my hair and makeup in thirty minutes but as I tried to zip my dress up it got caught. I cursed as I tried to fix it but unfortunately, I couldn't reach it. I must have made a small commotion because there was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I called out, thinking it was Luke. It wasn't.

"Oh," I frowned as I continued my struggle with the zipper. He let out an amused chuckle, "You need help?" He asked as he leaned against my doorway.

"No, I'm fine," I said and he just raised an eyebrow as he walked into my room.

"Yeah, just come on in," I grumbled. He completely ignored me as he studied my room.

"Who's this?" He asked as he grabbed a small picture from my bedside table that I forgot to put away this morning. I immediately walked over and grabbed the picture out of his clutches with one hand while the other hand held my dress from falling. 

"It's no one," I said as I held the picture to my chest, determined not to let him taint the one good thing in my life.

In actuality, it was a picture of Emily that I had secretly taken when she wasn't looking. A couple of weeks ago she was sitting on the couch with Ivy and Sergio on her lap, laughing at something. At that moment I thought I had never found her more beautiful, so I pulled my phone out and took a picture. It was quickly my favorite picture of her, the way she looked so relaxed and content just by the simplicity of our evening. I miss that so much...

Thankfully Fields just shrugged as he went back to studying my room.

He walked across the room and I quickly put the picture in the bedside drawer and continued to wrestle with my zipper.

Invisible String | Emily Prentiss x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now