twenty eight

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"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Emily asked as she fluffed the pillow behind me for probably the tenth time this morning. She had taken a week off while I was on bed rest, despite my protests, and now she was due back at work. I still had another month off before I went back to 'work', or more like 'paper work' for the next two months.

"I'm going to be fine, the team needs you more." I said sitting up in her bed. She had insisted I stay with her at her apartment until I could do things by myself. I knew there was no point in arguing because there was no way I would win. And honestly, the last week had been really nice. We spent most days in bed reading, catching up on TV shows, or simply just enjoying each other's presence. Although, Emily's insistence on doing everything for me was starting to make me feel overwhelmed. If I thought she had been overprotective before, she would give my past self a run for her money.

"Okay, but if you need anything just call me. Like, if you need me to change the gauze on your shoulder or if your ribs starts bothering you or-" She started rambling and I cut her off by pulling her into a soft kiss.

"Em, I will be fine." I repeated with a smile.

"I know, I know." She sighed as she gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"I just...don't forget to take your antibiotics and I put your lunch in the fridge. But I can bring it up here of you don't want to walk down the stairs-"

"Emily! Thank you, but I am capable of walking!" I giggled as I grabbed her hand with my non-injured arm. I could feel the nervousness radiating off of Emily. "I hate that I'm leaving you." She sighed as she sat down next to me.

"I know you do. But you need to get back to work. And don't worry about me, the most exciting thing I'm doing today is starting a new book" I smiled reassuringly and she nodded.

"Okay okay. I'll be back before dinner. I love you." She said as she gave me another kiss.

"I love you more. Try not to make anyone cry!" I called out as she stood up and grabbed her stuff.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll save that for tomorrow." She said with a wink and blew me a kiss before walking out of the bedroom.

After I heard her lock the door I pulled my book out to read as Sergio and Ivy jumped onto the bed next to me. I was surprised when Emily suggested that Ivy could also stay at her apartment but luckily her and Sergio got along pretty well.

I read for a couple hours before making my way slowly down the stairs. I was off bed rest but I still needed to minimize my physical activity. I opened the fridge and smiled when I saw that Emily had ordered food from my favorite Thai place and wrote a small 'I love you!' in sharpie on the container.

It took me a while to get the food heated up and ready since I could only use my left hand, which was unfortunately not my dominant hand. I walked over to the couch and turned on the TV as I ate my lunch. Just as I got comfortable on the couch I heard a knock. I groaned as I walked to the door and looked through the peep hole. I rolled my eyes as I opened the door.

"What are you doing here, Luke?" I asked with an eyebrow raise.

"I just wanted to check on you. How are you?" He asked as he walked through door inviting himself in.

"Emily asked you to check on me, didn't she?" I groaned as I followed him into the kitchen.

"What?! No!" He  said defensively and I just glared at him. "Okay fine, she did. But don't tell her I told you. She promised me a nice bottle of wine." He said with a wink.

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