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THE NEXT two weeks were filled with paperwork, gossip sessions in Penelope's lair, coffee in the morning with JJ, and late-night talks with Reid and Tara. The only thing not there was Emily. She got to work before everyone and left after everyone. The only time I saw her during the day was when she would go to the bullpen to fill up her coffee, but even then she rarely interacted with anyone. I thought everyone was joking when they said she lived in her office, they definitely weren't.

Not that I was complaining though, it was nice being out from her judgemental eyes.

"Any plans for the weekend y/n?" Luke asked me. It was Friday afternoon and we were all itching to leave. I still had a couple of documents to look over and I'm assuming everyone else did as well.

"Yeah! Reid and I are going to watch "Solaris". This is the first time it's been in theaters in forever!" I said excitedly. We made plans to go a couple of days ago and I couldn't wait.

Luke looked at me confused. "What's Solaris?"

"Only the best five-hour Sci-fi meditation film of all time!" Reid responded excitedly. I looked at him and smiled.

"Interesting sounds fun," Luke said unconvinced. I laughed.

"And what are you doing?" I asked in return.

"I'll probably just hang out with Roxy and watch some movies," Luke said as he leaned back into his chair.

"You know who also loves dogs and movies? Penelope!" I teased Luke with a huge smile. He proceeded to flip me off which made me laugh harder.

Eventually, we settled down and got back to work. I was halfway done when I heard Emily's office door open. "We have a case. Conference room in five." She said, obviously annoyed.

Everyone groaned as we headed to the conference room. "I guess that means no Solaris," I mumbled to Reid. "Nope." He said with a sad frown.

We all sat down and Emily immediately started talking. "This afternoon, Thomas Webster, 8 years old, was abducted," Emily said as she pulled up a picture of the boy and the surveillance footage of him being pushed into a white van. Unluckily for us, the kidnapper knew they were on camera and managed to avoid showing their face and license plate number.

"Over the last two months, three other boys were all kidnapped, murdered, and their bodies were dumped in the woods within two days. That means we have very little time to find Thomas Webster. Luckily this case is right in our backyard, D.C." Emily said as she pulled up the pictures of the three other boys.

We all looked over the case file before anyone started talking. "There was no sexual assault?" Tara asked.

Emily shook her head. "No sexual assault and the cause of death for all the boys was strangulation."

"That's odd, considering the ages of the boys, offenders like this are usually pedophiles and sex offenders. So the fact that there is no sexual assault is going to make this unsub a lot harder to profile." I said thinking out loud.

Reid nodded his head in agreement," Y/n's right, it could be possible our unsub is impotent and is using strangulation as a release."

The team went back and forth brainstorming for a couple of minutes before Emily separated everyone. Reid, JJ, and Matt were going to the ME's office. Tara and Luke were heading to the DC police department. Dave was staying back with Garcia.

And of course, I was going with Emily to talk to Thomas Webster's parents.

The first couple minutes of the car ride was painfully quiet. I couldn't tell what Emily was thinking because she always had a permanent frown on her face. But every time I looked at her, all I could think about was our last case. The way she yelled at me and the way I yelled back. What had gotten into me?

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