twenty five

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FOUR WEEKS and another case stuck at Quantico later, I was finally cleared for the field. Although, the joy from that didn't hold a candle to the joy I've felt from being with Emily. We spend as much time as we can with one another, whether that's breakfast in her office every day or spending the weekend at one of our apartments. Every day I discover new parts of her and makes my heart grow even bigger. I don't think I knew what it truly meant to be loved by someone, till Emily. It wasn't even a grand gesture that sparked my realization, but through the small things she does every day. 

Like how she keeps a stash of my favorite candy in her desk drawer. Or how she made a playlist of all my favorite songs to play in the car.

Her love was blissful and deep, she was everything I needed and more. 

Today was a Friday which meant that everyone was itching to get out of the office. The workload today was pretty light so the bullpen was filled with light chatter as we waited for five o'clock to hit so that we could leave. We were thirty minutes away from freedom when we heard Emily's door swing open and the familiar sound of fast steps in heeled boots.

We all collectively groaned knowing that there was only one reason for Emily to exit her office this early. 

"We have a case. Conference room." Emily said with a sympathetic smile. Huh, that's new.

Once we were all sitting around the table Emily handed out the files and pulled up information on the tv. "We're headed to Soldotna, Alaska. In the last month, three women have been found in Lake Clark. All women showed obvious signs of torture. Cause of death for all of them was strangulation" Emily said as she pulled up the pictures of the three women.

"However, the police department called us in because of this," Emily said as she pulled up pictures of the victim's torso, all of which had been carved with different words on them.

"Hebrews 13:4?" Matt repeated as we all stared at those same words on the first victim's stomach. 

"Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous". Emily recited instantly. 

"Let me guess. She cheated on her husband." Tara frowned and Emily gave a head nod in confirmation. 

"Proverbs 10:2," Emily said as she pointed to the words on the second victim's stomach. "Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death."

"Ephesians 5:18," Emily said pointing to the final victim. "And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,"

"So we have a woman who cheated on her husband. Another woman who stole money from a company she worked for and a drunk." Luke said out loud as he read over the case file.

"So our unsub is a moral reinforcer," Tara said.

"And is killing these women because of their sins," JJ added.

"Exactly. The M.E. said that the words were carved into their stomachs post-mortum. So the verses aren't necessarily a form of torture but rather a branding." Emily added. 

"Well, that's odd. You would think he would do it antemortem as another way to torture the victims." Luke said.

"What if our unsub isn't really torturing them? Maybe the physical harm is part of a ritual. The unsub doesn't necessarily get off on the torture, maybe they feel compelled to do it." I said, thinking out loud.

"Proverbs 20:30: Blows and wounds cleanse away evil," Emily muttered under her breath.

"So our unsub isn't sadistic. Just like Y/n said, the 'blows' are part of a ritual, maybe a final act of repentance." Tara added.

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