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HOLY SHIT. This jet is huge. I thought as I walked in. JJ and I were the last ones to get there so everyone else was already sitting down. Rossi and Tara were sitting across from Luke and Matt at the table. Reid was sitting on the couch while Prentiss was sitting in the single chair, all the way on the back of the jet. Why am I not surprised?

JJ and I sat next to Reid on the couch. We all talked for a couple of minutes before the jet took off. All of a sudden Penelope popped up on the tv. "Hello, my fine furry friends! Sadly I must be the bearer of bad news, another body was just found. Her name was Savannah Richards, 25." Penelope said with a sad frown.

I saw Agent Prentiss get out of her chair and walk toward the rest of us. "Is there any connection between her and the other victims?" She asked.

"According to their credit card statements no. None of them eat, shop, or hang out in the same places." Penelope answered. Prentiss nodded in acknowledgment.

"We need to figure out why and how our unsub is targeting these victims. Reid and Matt, I want you to go to the latest crime scene. Tara and Dave, you guys will talk to Savannah Richards's parents. Luke and JJ, you can head to the station and start working on the geographical profile. Y/N and I will go to the ME's office." Agent Prentiss said commandingly before returning back to her seat. This should be fun.

The plane ride was only an hour, but I learned so much about everyone in that short span of time. Apparently, Reid is banned from all casinos in Vegas and Rossi has three ex-wives. I learned that JJ has two kids and Matt has four. I accidentally mentioned that I babysat as a teen, so now I am the official babysitter for the Jareau and Simmons kids.

Everyone on the team is so warm and welcoming, I couldn't be luckier. I looked over at Agent Prentiss who was staring intently out the window. Mostly everyone.

Once we landed everyone got off the jet and went their separate ways. I followed Agent Prentiss to a black SUV and sat in the passenger seat while she drove. We were silent for a minute before I started talking. I hated silence.

"Can I ask you a question Agent Prentiss?" I asked as I looked over at her. She seemed surprisingly relaxed.

"You can just call me Emily, but yes." She said without taking her eyes off the road.

Oh shit. In all honesty, I didn't actually have a question, I just wanted to break the silence.

"Do you have a cat?" I asked. Why was that the first thing that came to my head?

We were at a red light so she stopped and looked directly at me. I swear it looked like she was about to smile.

"You could have asked me anything, and you asked me if I have a cat?" Emily said slowly. She was very good at making everything she says sound condescending.

"Yeah, I mean you just seem like a cat person," I said with a shrug. Oh my god stop talking.

"Well, you're right. I have a black cat named Sergio." She said as she turned her focus back to the road.

"No way! I have a black cat too, her name is Ivy. She's a year old and destroys everything in my apartment, which is odd because black cats have been proven to be calmer and more reserved than other cats." I said with a smile, which quickly faded away when I realized Emily wasn't even listening to me. It's not that hard to just nod your head and pretend you're listening...

Luckily we pulled into the ME's office so I didn't have to think about the fact that she didn't respond. We got out of the car and headed inside. "You must be Agent Prentiss and Dr. y/l/n! I'm Dr. Chessen." The ME said.

Invisible String | Emily Prentiss x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now