twenty four

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"Why do all police chiefs have to be such dicks?" Emily groaned over facetime from her hotel room. The team was still in Florida so Emily and I had been calling or face timing every night for the last week. 

"Well, people who rise to positions of power and influence often have high levels of narcissism..." I trailed off when I saw Emily's frown from my phone, "That was a rhetorical question, wasn't it?"

Emily's frown disappeared as she let out a laugh, "Yes, it was. But feel free to continue, your rambles are oddly soothing."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment." I couldn't help but laugh. I missed seeing Emily every day more than I thought I would. The case shouldn't be taking this long, but unfortunately, it is. How hard is it to find a middle-aged man murdering couples? Apparently very hard because we're still developing the profile.

"I can't wait for this case to be over. I miss seeing you in person." Emily said softly pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I miss you too, Emily. Remind me to never get suspended again,"

"Oh, I promise to remind you." She teases.

"Good, because I think I'm going stir crazy in the office."

"Oh I know, Penelope told me she had to cut you off of caffeine three times." Emily laughed and I recalled Penelope snatching coffee from my hands this morning after she fell victim to one of my rambles.

We talked for another hour before we both decided to get some sleep. As soon as I got into bed, Ivy curled up at my feet. I smiled as I closed my eyes and thought about Emily before falling asleep


"I found it! I found the connection!" I yelled as I ran into Penelope's lair the next morning, "Pen call Emily!"

Penelope jumped from my sudden intrusion and groaned, "How much coffee have you had?" Penelope muttered under her breath as she dialed Emily. "None," I giggle as Penelope sighed.

"Hey, Penelope-" Emily started.

"I found something! Pull up the crime scene photo's I'm sending you now." I said as ran over to one of Penelope's side computers and sent Emily the photos.

After a couple of moments, Emily responded, "Okay got them. What exactly am I looking at?"

"Do you see that wire behind all the TVs?"

"Um, yeah."

"That's a new fiber-optic cable that isn't on the market. All of the victims have them installed in their houses, there's no way that's a coincidence."

"Wait if there aren't on the market how do the victims have them?" Penelope asked.

"Marketers! Our unsub has to be a marketer! That's why the victims let him in the house. Once he's in he can place the cameras and stalk them!" I said as I paced behind Penelope.

"That's it! If he was a freelancer that's why we couldn't find a connection! Garcia, I need you to do a search for me. Good job, Y/n." Emily said from the other side of the phone and I couldn't help but beam at her praise.

We worked for the next hour combing through employees at every fiber-optic company and eventually got the name of the unsub. The rest of the team was heading to his apartment so I flopped onto the couch with a sigh of relief. At least, my work is done.

"My goddess of wisdom, are you finally tired?" Penelope giggled as she sat next to me on the couch.

"Wiped. I'm just going to rest my eyes for a second, wake me up when they catch him."

Invisible String | Emily Prentiss x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now