thirty four

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I woke up to the sound of the front door closing. I rolled over and sighed when my arm touched the empty bed rather than Y/n's body. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:37 am. August 11th. 

I immediately got out of bed and pulled on a sweater since I knew exactly where Y/n was going. I walked down the stairs to put my shoes on and grabbed a blanket before heading up to the roof. 

As soon as I opened the roof door I could see Y/n standing at the railing looking up at the stars. I quietly approached her and wrapped the blanket around her bare shoulders since she was still in a tank top and the morning was still kind of chilly. She hummed in reply but never took her attention away from the sky. "You okay?" I asked quietly as I brushed a piece of hair behind her ear. She didn't answer so I decided it would be better not to push and just admire the stars with her. 

"When I was younger, I used to climb on my roof and watch the stars for hours." She said suddenly, still staring at the stars.

"It was Lexi and I's favorite thing to do." She continued and I just rested my head against her shoulder as I listened to her story. "One night, we decided that each of us got to pick our own star to claim as our own. Y/n and Lexi's stars. That one over there was Lexi's." She said as she pointed up at the sky. I followed the direction of her finger and smiled. "The brightest one?" I murmured and she chuckled, "Yeah, it's a star called Sirius but we just called it Lexi's star."

I smiled at her story. It wasn't often that she opened up about her sister, but every time she did it makes my heart soar.

"Which one's yours?" I asked softly. 

"That one." She said as she pointed to the star. It took a couple of times for me to find the star that she was pointing to but eventually, I found it. "It's a star called Vega, it's actually relatively young since it's only about 450 million years old. Which is less than a tenth the age of our own sun." She said and in that moment I realized how much I'm going to miss the random little facts that she seems to have about almost anything. God, I'm going to miss that so much.....

"Pick one." She said, pulling me out of my head.


"Pick a star." She murmured and I lifted my head off her shoulders to find one.

I looked at the sky above me for about a minute. I eventually pointed to one that caught my eye. "That one," I said and Y/n followed my finger before smiling. "Was that a random pick or do you know more about stars than you're letting on?" She questioned and I just furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I asked confused.

"Well, there's my answer." She giggled. "That star is named Altair. It's actually one of the three stars, along with Vega, that make up the Summer Triangle." She continued as I looked at her. "The Summer Triangle?" I questioned.

"Yeah, there's actually a whole story..." She said before pausing.

"Well, let me hear it." I smiled and I watched as Y/n's face lit up.

"Okay, well, once there was a beautiful and talented weaver, the daughter of the Sky King. She met and fell in love with a handsome and skilled herdsman. They were so devoted to each other that they neglected all else. The weaver stopped weaving and the herdsmen let his animals wander all over the place. The Sky King didn't approve of this behavior and separated the lovers on either side of the heavenly river. His daughter was heartbroken so the Sky King relented and allowed the couple to meet, but only once a year. Every year, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, a flock of magpies would fly into the sky and create a bridge, allowing the lovers to cross the heavenly river and be together." She said as she stared at our stars. 

Invisible String | Emily Prentiss x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora