twenty six

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"A body was found in Lake Clarke. M.E. is trying to identify the body now." Police Chief Colfer said as she walked into the conference room. "We've only been here for a day, he's escalating," I frowned. "JJ and Tara go to the dump site. Matt and Spencer go talk to her family. The rest of us will keep working on the profile." I said and everyone started moving.

"What was her sin?" Luke asked as we pulled up pictures that some of the local PD had taken.

"Exodus 22:16. If a man seduces a virgin who is not betrothed and lies with her, he shall give the bride-price for her and make her his wife," I said instantly and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"What?" I said with a frown.

"How the hell did you know that so quickly?" Luke asked seriously.

"I went to Catholic school for 16 years, it's basically engraved into my head. Now, let's focus on the case please." I said and everybody nodded.

"So this woman is being punished for pre-marital sex? That has to mean our unsub is stalking these victims. I mean, how else would they know that?" Y/n said, thankfully getting back on topic.

"Well, maybe not," I said as bit the inside of my cheek. "What if our unsub is a priest? I mean you go to a priest to confess your sins and that would also explain the ritualistic aspect."

"Wait, that actually fits the profile better," Y/n muttered as she walked over to the crime board, "They confess their 'sins' and then he builds up their trust before murdering them."

"Exactly, it's like their final act of penance," I added. "Okay, let me call Penelope," I said as I dialed her number.

"How may I serve you, my Dazzling Unit Chief?"

"Did any of the victims go to the same church?"

Penelope paused before answering, "Nope."

"Well, were any of the victims Catholic?" I added.

"Hmmm... Oh! My beautiful brown-eyed goddess! They all are, they just don't go to the same church."

"Okay, I want you to background check every priest and travel priest that has come through here."

"Yes ma'am! Garcia Out!"

"An unsub like this has to have raised some suspicion if he's active in the church. Y/n and Dave I need you to go to the four Catholic churches here and ask around." I said as I focused back on our crime board.

"Why don't you go instead of me, Prentiss? You'll definitely fit in better." Dave said and I felt my whole body still. "Excuse me?" I scoffed.

"I'm just saying that you know more than the three of us combined. You'll know the right questions to ask." He said with a shrug and as much as I wanted to throttle him I knew he was right. Although, I was pissed at him because he knew how much the church and religion had a negative impact on my life.

"Fine. Update me when everyone gets back." I said stiffly, "And next time I give an order, don't question me." I gritted out as I headed out to the SUV, ignoring everyone with Y/n trailing behind me.

Luckily, Y/n could tell I needed a minute to cool down so we drove in a peaceful silence.

"You want to talk about why you're so pissed at Dave?" She asked quietly after a while.

"It's the same shit he pulled with Derek years ago. We just chalked it up to him being new. But this time? There's no fucking excuse, which means he hasn't changed. Because if he had he wouldn't have suggested I come." I rambled angrily knowing that Y/n definitely has no idea what I'm talking about.

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