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"MARY TURNER I'm with the FBI! I need you to drop your gun!" Emily said calmly but authoritatively as she held her gun up.

"Go away!" Mary screamed as she pressed the gun harder into my head and tightened her grip around my upper arm. I swear to god if I get shot in the head right now...

"Mary, I need you to listen to me okay?" I said slowly. I wasn't about to stand here and do nothing while I was at gunpoint. Luckily the pictures of Mary and her sister sparked an idea in my head of how to apprehend her without any shots being fired. Well, I was 95% confident in my idea... maybe 85%.

"Why?!" She yelled as she tightened her hand even harder. This is definitely going to leave a bruise.

"Your sister Ashley, she meant the world to you, right?" I asked softly. No response. Well, I guess that's better than getting shot.

"She was your baby sister, you looked out for her. So when she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder you didn't know what to do. You saw her lose friends, fall into depression, and have explosive episodes of anger." I said calmly. Thank God I read her medical personnel file.

"I felt so useless," Mary whispered from behind me. I saw Emily tighten the grip on her gun, she was getting ready to shoot. Her face was stone cold but her eyes told a different story. She looks.... scared?

"So you went to med school and tried to learn everything you could. All you wanted to do was help Ashley, right?" I asked gently.

"Yes, I just wanted to help her! I thought I could cure her. All I wanted was to help her and the people like her." Mary said as she choked back a cry. I slowly stepped in front of Mary so Emily didn't have a clear shot. She looked at me wide-eyed. "Y/n!" Emily said quietly trying to move her lips as little as possible. I just stared at Emily and continued. No one else needs to die, not even Mary.

All of a sudden I heard footsteps and the roar of cars from outside. The rest of the team slowly came up behind Emily, their guns were drawn.

"Look around Mary, everyone's gun is on you. I know you're intelligent enough to see that there are many possible outcomes on how this will end." I said tenderly. I stared at the rest of the team and could see the fear in their eyes. Well, that sure doesn't make me feel better...

"So, if you're actually the monster that everyone here thinks you are, go ahead and shoot me. But if you shoot me, every one of those agents are going to fire their gun and kill you." I said firmly. I felt everyone in the room stop breathing. Everyone was staring at me unblinking. Just trust me, I know what I'm doing. I said through my eyes.

"But if you die, all this work you did for Ashley and people like her will go unseen." I continued. I felt the grip on my arm start to loosen and the gun on my head slacked. Oh thank God, this is actually working.

"So put the gun down, Mary. Not for you or me, but for Ashley. You tried to save her Mary, and even though she isn't here, I know she's grateful for how much you cared about her. She will always love you Mary, a sister's bond is unbreakable." I said softly. All of a sudden I heard the gun fall to the floor. I sighed in relief and felt my heart rate pick up. Holy shit, I can't believe that actually worked.

I saw the team running towards me but I held out my hands to tell them that I'd got it. "I have to put handcuffs on you, okay Mary?"I said softly. She nodded as tears fell down her face. I gently pulled her hands behind her back and put the cuffs on. I should have felt accomplished that I had apprehended her, but instead, I just felt empty. All Mary wanted was to help her sister...

Invisible String | Emily Prentiss x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt