Chapter XXII. Breach of trust

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Lost in her thoughts, she returned to their shared apartment, which she found unlocked. She enthusiastically entered and took off her jacket.

"Levi? Are you at home?" She called into the room while noticing that the crew had already installed new glowing lighting in their flat as well. She looked down to smile at Levi who had just come out of the bathroom. "I'm so glad you're home. I need to talk to you about something," her smile fell as she saw him fixing his ODM gear.

"Sorry. Could it wait? I urgently need to escort Eren to former Commander Shadis. It turns out he knew Eren's father," Theia just opened her mouth silently when he didn't even make eye contact with her to walk past her. He gently kissed her forehead and put on his shoes. "We'll talk tonight, okay?" He assured her, even though she knew very well that nothing like that would happen. He left their apartment, and Theia was left standing again in the empty, silent room, still holding her military garrison jacket in her hands, which she tossed on the hanger with distaste. Disappointed, she went to the bathroom, where she could still smell Levi's soap. She sat down on the bathtub, which she began to fill after a while. After her bath she went into the bedroom where she opened the closet to find a hair towel that Levi had placed on the top shelves. She raised her hand and frowned.

"How is it possible for such a short man to hide something in such a high place?" She complained to herself and jumped up to pull the towel as the entire pile fell to the floor. Theia held the towel between her fingers and sighed angrily as her eyes fell on the mess around her. She sat down unhappily and stared absently when she noticed the scout unit's leather jacket. She reached for it, thinking it must have been mixed in Levi's laundry, but the name Smith was clearly embroidered on the shoulder of the jacket. She stroked the fabric and returned to old memories of wearing that jacket as camouflage among scouts after Levi, Furlan, and Isabel joined the survey corps. She smiled and got up to put on her jacket. She stood in front of the mirror, where she looked at herself proudly.

Have you forgotten that the blood in your veins is the blood of the Smiths?

She exhaled unhappily and looked away from the mirror. "Shit,"

Trost District August 12, 4:40 p.m

In the evening, Levi didn't return home. She assumed that, she knew that he had full hands with preparations for the expedition, which was approaching very quickly. And when she didn't have the chance to meet him for the next few days, she decided to look for him herself. But she didn't find him at his father's office or in his office, he wasn't even with Eren. The last option that occurred to her was Hanje. Therefore, she went to her laboratory, where Hanje was currently improving a new anti-Titan weapon. "Hello Hanje, isn't Levi here?" Hanje jumped up from the table and ran to the other side.

"Yes, he was here. He had just left with Moblit to prepare thunder spears outside the city. The last test will take place in an hour," she answered with disinterest and Theia rolled her eyes.

"Serious? Does that guy ever stop at one place?" she exhaled in frustration.

"Well, you're right, he's been very busy lately," Hanje added, not noticing Theia's frustrated face. "Please Theia. Can you explain to me again how your explosive needles work? Specifically, I mean the unlocking method," Theia walked over to the table and pulled a pin from her hair to stick it into the wooden surface.

"The needle is attached to a metal string that ends at the trigger with some gunpowder. The release will cause a spark and then an explosion," she tugged gently the string as Hanje examined it in fascination.

"Could the wires from gear be used?" Hanje asked curiously and Theia nodded.

"That wires are also made of steel, so yes,"

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