Chapter XXXI. From you to me. Year 845

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Distrikt Shiganshina, scout unit base 21 September 844

Laboratory of Hanje

"Levi, you're sitting here for hours without saying a word, so I'm starting to think you're hiding from someone," Hanje cleaned the glasses and returned to disassemble the gas injection, which still had minor mistakes after she improved it. She thought that he ignored her words. He sat sideways on the chair, leaning his hands on the backrest where his head laid, so she couldn't see his face. "Do you want a drink?" She asked, putting the equipment on the table. She went to her office and pulled alcohol out of the cabinet.

"Maybe yes," she seemed really surprised, but she pulled out two glasses without protest.

"Something happened?" She asked, even though she knew she would never hear his sincere answer.

"Nothing is happening and give that shit to me already," he pulled the glass out of her hands and spilled it into his mouth. He overcame the bitter taste of alcohol on the tongue and returned his head to the backrest.

"Come on. Tell me already. I see how you are even smaller from the despair," she noted despite his angry look, which she obviously deserved. She poured the second glass and stood behind him. She stroked his shoulder and leaned to him. "Levi. You can say everything to your mummy," Levi pushed her angrily away, and she returned to her work with a smile.

"You are a scientist, is that so," he started quietly, and Hanje was sincerely surprised by his question.

"You know it well, why are you asking me?"

"Haven't you heard anything about Ackermans?" She thought for a second.

"I know ... One person who studied Ackermans," Levi frowned. It seemed quite familiar to him.

"Isn't that the one who also studied our pain threshold? Herald Zoe is his name I think," he asked, and Hanje raised her eyebrows with a surprise.

"You know him?" He finally raised his head, but because of his hair she didn't see his face anyway.

"No. But Theia received the letter from him," Hanje left the glass on her table and went to the library, where she pulled out some old notes. She blew out a layer of dust, which was almost everywhere in her office and examined a few pages. Something like letters dropped out of the book.

"If a member of the Ackerman bloodline faced a life risking situation, the symptom of titanic rage is activated in their body. They are possessed by superhuman strength, speed, sensitivity and dexterity. However, this power is not intended for their own use, but to protect the king and his offspring until the last titan is alive. Ackermans, like the Asian clan, resist manipulations and have big knowledge beyond human understanding. Since time immemorial, they served the king as a faithful companion with unbreakable bond. Thanks to this bond, the members of the Ackerman family were able to protect the king with his own life and to ensure the well -being of the monarchy ... "

After Hanje read the lines, Levi smiled slightly. "It looks like you were something like the royal guards in the past," she watched the lists of shabby and frequently rewritten notes.

"Another fairy-tale book," Levi said, and after a long time of hypnotizing the alcohol, he drank it. Hanje looked at him. She knew, he didn't take yesterday's expedition very well, but he seemed more devastated than usual. "Levi, is there anything that bothers you?" She knelt in front of him.

"I'm a monster," Hanje kindly laughed after his answer.

"You are not,"

"I am!" She was surprised by his raised voice but she waited for his explanation. "Yesterday... shortly after we returned from the expedition..." he put his head to his hands, and Hanje felt that Levi was starting to fall apart. She stroked his back gently. "I forced her to it ..." he whispered to the silence of her office. Hanje was staring at him in shock.

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