Chapter 39: Saving Luigi (Pt. 1)

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[Kamek's POV]

I picked up Luigi's hat from the floor and teleported to Bowser. He looked at me, then at the hat. "Where's Luigi?" ...

I grabbed his hand and teleported us to the garden. He stared at the ground. He looked like his heart had just been stabbed from multiple different sides.

"It was like this when I came here." I put the hat back where it was laying and went over to Bowser. He was just staring... no movement whatsoever...

Then he walked over to the hat and picked it up. It was just pure silence...

[Bowser's POV]

I stared at his hat. Looked over at the marks and could almost feel my heart at the bottom of my feet. I felt tears forming in my eyes.

Then I looked over at Kamek, and they put their arm around me as far as they could. I hugged Kamek tightly, trying not to slice them with my wrist bands.

I couldn't help but cry. My dear Luigi... gone...

*Meanwhile, with his dear* [Luigi's POV]

I woke up in the same room as before. Why was my head hurting so much? I rubbed my hand over my head. Right... my hat fell off.

After just staring at the wall for a minute, I got up and tidied the bed. Then, while I was tidying the bed, King Boo appeared behind me. "Awake so soon? I thought I... uhm.. I thought you... fainted? Right, fainted. Not too long ago?"

I turned around to see his grinning face extremely close to mine. I jumped back a little out of shock. He got closer again, which made me back up again as well.

He kept getting closer and closer while I tried backing up further and further until I fell backwards onto the bed. He (in his human form) bent over me, sort of pinning me onto the bed while he was grinning.

I looked away to see if I had any chance to escape from whatever he was doing. Then he put his hand on my chin and forced me to look at him. That's when I had enough of this and tried kicking him off. Surprisingly enough, I did kick him.

The kick didn't do much, though. It only made him let go of my face. "Even your kick is weak! This is going to be fun." Hmm, what else can I try on this... weirdo?

I looked at his arm and bit it without thinking. He stopped pinning me to the bed and rubbed over where I bit him. After a few rubs, he turned back to me. His face seemed furious.

I tried going backwards some more, but he trapped my legs between his. Well, this won't be good.

*Back to Bowser depression* [Bowser's POV]

Kamek had teleported us both to our room, but I was still staring at the hat. Kamek had made some drinks and food for me. I wasn't hungry.

All I want... is Luigi back.

Once I find out who got him, I will be sure to kill whoever did it. Or not an immediate kill, but torture them first. Yes! Torture!

And make sure to make it as painful as possible! Haha! I'm a genius! Luigi would not like this plan, but he can't really stop me. I'll make sure to make whoever got him suffer!

Just thinking about the number of things I'd do to who has him makes my adrenaline go up. Kamek just returned from telling Jr the news. "Kamek." I said, which made them turn to me.

"Yes, Sire? Do you need more drinks? Is everything okay?" Then I looked at the actual amount they'd already made for me. This is like a meal for all the koopalings lying right in front of me.

"No, and yes. I have a plan on what to do to whoever has Luigi!" Kamek looked at me strangely, but then their face lit up again. "I forgot to tell you, I know where Mario is! Maybe Mario also knows where Luigi is!"

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