Chapter 15: Seperated again

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Little warning: This chapter is extremely dramatic, but the end will be worth reading ;)

[Luigi's POV]

Bowser pressed some button, which made my cage go lower at a quick speed. I tightly held onto the bars of the cage. The cage stopped, which almost made my head hit the top of the cage. Luckily, I was holding tightly enough to not fly too far up.

I heard the cage doors open, and Junior ran in to hug me. Bowser just stood there. Junior let me go and went back to Bowser, "Dad, I thought you told me that you wouldn't lock him up again!"

I just smiled awkwardly. He whispered something to Junior before grabbing my arm and taking me out of the cage. I looked back at Mario's worried face.

Bowser took me back to my room, put me down on the bed, and locked me in. (Just him, not Bowser in the room, no sus stuff yet)

[Mario's POV]

No! No!! They took him! No! And I couldn't even do anything about it! I get it that him and Junior are friends, but the way Bowser was holding him. It seemed so aggressive. Oh, how I hope he's okay!

I held onto the front bars of the cage. I could feel my anger rising, yet it wasn't just anger. If he hurts my brother ONE MORE TIME! I won't hold back!

Several hours have passed, and he's still not back. What were they doing to him? What if they killed him!? It would all be because I'm locked up in this damn cage! If this cage wasn't here, I could've protected him!

I started giving up hope and sat down against the bars with my hat in my hands. Sleeping was hard. I couldn't stop thinking about Luigi.. my brother.. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I just wiped them away.

I realised it was already the next morning because that koopa had returned with food again. Luigi's still not back. Oh, I will beat that over sized turtle if he even laid ONE finger on him!

[Luigi's POV]

The door of my room opened again. Junior came inside and gave me a plate of food. I thanked him. He just smiled before he left. He didn't lock the door?

I put the plate down and got up. I opened the door a little. Did he keep it unlocked on purpose? I closed it again, I should eat before I go find Mario.

Once I was finished with the food, I opened the door again. No one was in the hallway, I quietly got out and closed the door behind me.

I snuck over to the cage room and opened it. Wow, they weren't even guarding it? I got inside and closed the door behind me. "Mario!" I whispered loudly. (Like a loud whisper, if that makes sense.)

I looked up and saw his cage. He was looking back at me happily. "Luigi! You're okay!"

"Shh!!! I'm not supposed to be in here!" - L (loud whispering)

"Right.. did they hurt you?" - M (also loud whispering now)

I shook my head and went over to what Bowser used to get me down. Just as I was about to see how it worked, I heard Bowser's loud stomping outside.

I hid behind the device thingy while the door slowly opened. Bowser went into the room and looked around. I could hear him getting closer to the device.

Just as I thought he would press something, he picked me up with one hand. It made me yelp. He was glaring angrily at me. He put his nail against my neck.

"What are you doing out of your room?"

Mama Mia, his voice seemed much scarier than usual! I couldn't reply because my scaredness hurt my throat. My body was shaking like it used to when he held me.

"I- I-" I didn't know what to say. My throat was hurting so badly. Bowser raised his eyebrow, "Hm?"

"I'm sOrry!" My voice cracked.

"That doesn't answer my question, but maybe you'd prefer it if we.. talked a little more private." He moved his nail in circles around my moustache.

I know what he meant by 'private', but I don't think Mario knew. Better hope he isn't thinking anything too weird. The way he played with my moustache got the weird thoughts back.

He took me to his room, put me on the chair, sat down in front of me, and looked at me with a strange angered smirk. "So, why were you out of your room?"

My body was shaking badly, "Uhh.." I couldn't tell him Junior left it open. He would kill Junior! Junior is too precious to get hurt, especially by his dad.

He smacked the desk, which made me hold onto the chair tighter. "TELL ME WHY YOU WERE OUT OF YOUR ROOM!"

If I don't tell him now, I'm dead. "I-.. had a hairpin. A-and-" before I could finish, I got interrupted by him. "A hairpin? That doesn't explain SHIT of why you were out of the room!"

"I left the room because I wanted to show Mario I was okay! Happy now!?" Waahhh, that was dumb to say! He got up from his chair, "You won't be okay once I'm done with you!" (Kinky)

He picked me up in one hand again. He was squeezing tightly. Then he squeezed less tight and looked at me. "I have a better idea."

He took me back to the cage room. This has zero signs that this will be okay. Mario looked down at me. His face seemed more and more worried by the second.

Bowser grinned. He looked down at me. His grip tightened again. I held in my screams, which made them sound like groans. I shut my eyes tightly.

His grip got less tight, which allowed me to breathe again. I was panting, trying to catch my breath. I expected him to hurt me even more, but he didn't.

He left the room, put me back in my room, locked the door, and went back to his own room. Huh? Why didn't he hurt me more? He had the chance to.

[Bowser's POV]

God dammit! I wanted to hurt him more, but those fucking noises he made! They made me feel weird.

Why was he even grunting like that in the first place!? Did he enjoy getting squished!? Is he some weird masochist!? And the panting after.. is he doing it on purpose!?

I laid down in bed, I didn't want to think about it too much. The noises kept getting back in my head! If Kamek knew about this..

(The end of Chapter 15)

HAHA, the oversized koopa boutta have the best dreams of his life!

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