Chapter 35: What have you done!?

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[Luigi's POV]

'I have planned something. To make sure Bowser isn't hiding anything from me. Though I may seem to be dramatic by doing this, I just want to make sure. He's been acting strange...'

I went over to Junior's room and told my plan to him. He nodded excitedly, "BUT, if you're gonna spy on him. Take me with you. To make sure you won't get lost, and you'd have an excuse."

"Sounds fair, let's go!" Junior and I both helped each other get to the vents. We climbed inside and went over to our room. Hmm, nothing yet...

Suddenly, Kamek poofed into the room. "Sire- uhm.. is Luigi anywhere near?"

"No? Why do you want to know?" - B

"Well... there's a small issue with... you know who." - K

"An issue with who?" He asked and raised his eyebrow.

"Uhm.. Mario... he's- not in his room anymore."

'Mario!? But that would mean.... no.. it could mean so many things. Why would he lock my brother up? But I thought he told me he just left... why- what- no... no! It can't be true. He wouldn't hurt Mario, right?

What if he's not hurting Mario, but using Mario as a second lover!? Oh, so many possibilities. Yet, so little answers.'

I got pulled back to reality by Junior jumping out from the vents. I went after him and helped him get down quietly, but also safely. We watched how Bowser was yelling all kinds of things at Kamek.

Poor Kamek...

Then suddenly, the yelling got more intense until....

Bowser raised his hand and suddenly scratched Kamek.

HUH!? ISN'T- You know what. Don't even question it. We have to protect Kamek before Bowser causes them even more harm.

I looked over at Junior, and we both nodded. I jumped off the closet, not painless, of course, but easy to ignore. Junior and I both stood in front of Kamek to protect them.

Bowser seemed angry and confused at the same time. I don't think it was his intention to hurt Kamek, but he still did. "How lo-" I cut him off before he could finish whatever he wanted to ask. "Long enough to know what you have done to my brother. And now, even to your own parent. Shame on you."

Wow, not even a single stutter. Good job. Bowser was flabbergasted, and it was noticeable that he saw how dumb his plan was.

Junior was talking to Kamek and ended up taking them to the nursery to make sure the wound wasn't too bad. I glared at Bowser. I took a very deep breath.

"You better have a good explanation for locking my brother up in a room AWAY FROM ME. Lying about where he went. A-AND for lying to me when you were cheering me up! If you don't, our r- relationship is OVER." I said with tears forming in my eyes.

He looked down at me. Put his finger/hand on my cheek. "I didn't want to hurt you this badly, I only wanted us to spend more time together. Without having to worry about... him. Since every time something bad happened between us, it was his fault! Please, I didn't mean it like this."

Then, before I realised it, I was bawling my eyes out already. "You should've t-t-thought twice! Y-y-you... you... you lied to me!" I was sobbing out of anger. He quickly pulled me closer to himself and hugged me. "Calm down, cutie. Once you're calm, we can discuss this. Alright?"

I couldn't reply, but as a kind of reply, I stopped trying to squeeze his arms. Even after what he's done. I can't help but find these moments comforting. Is that a bad thing?

[Kamek's POV]

I could feel the wound on my nose/cheek tingling, not really a nice feeling. "My apologies if it stings, a little warning, though. You shouldn't touch your wound too much. It is quite deep, what happened?"

"I- uhm. One of the... uhm. One of the guards dropped their sword thing, and it hit me." I am NOT gonna put my son in a bad spot for them. The nurse raised her eyebrow and inspected the wound some closer.

She gently touched it, which made me flinch. "Sorry. Sorry. I only wanted to see if it was as deep as it seemed or not. Would you allow me to?"

I nodded, and she inspected it again. She grabbed one of her tools, cleaned it very well, and checked how deep the wound was with it.

Obviously, it hurt pretty badly, but she did get the results she wanted from it. "This cut is quite deep for what you've told. Are you sure that you told the truth?" She asked as she cleaned her tool again.

"Yeah... I'm... I'm sure." She turned back to me and put some bandages over the wound. "You're lucky the wound isn't extremely big, or you would've needed stitches. Stay away from those weapons for a while, alright?"

She smiled at me and let my face go again. "Alright." I smiled back and nodded. Junior had already left way before because he wanted to make sure everything was alright between Bowser and Luigi.

"You may leave when you want to." The nurse said. I told her goodbye before leaving the room again. Outside of the room stood the same koopa troopa guard as always.

He ran at me and hugged me tightly, pulled away, and put his hands on my face to check  if I wasn't hurt anywhere else. "Oh, thank goodness you're not hurt too badly." He hugged me tightly again.

I just looked at him and put my arms around him as well. 'If I'm being honest, I'm not quite used to this kind of attention. That is why I don't really know how to reply to it.'

"Were you waiting for me this whole time?" I asked out of curiosity. He nodded quickly, "Well, not the whole time. But since I heard you were hurt, yes." I couldn't help but smile at his words.

[Bowser's POV]

Well, this didn't go to plan. I should apologise to Kamek as soon as I can, but first, I still need to apologise better to Luigi. Of course, I knew that locking Mario up would affect him, but I didn't think it would be this bad.

Never in my entire life have I seen Luigi this mad at someone.

He scooted a little further from me while hugging a pillow. "I'm -" I couldn't even finish my sentence. "Not a good time." He quietly spoke and hugged the pillow tighter.

I just looked at him as he turned his back to me. Even if I still need to apologise to Kamek, or maybe even search Mario's room to make sure he's actually gone. My top priority is making Luigi trust me again.

I hate the feeling of guilt I get when he's upset because of me. I guess that I just need to wait until a good time where I can properly apologise to him. Else, I would've gotten the wrong person's finger measurements.

(The end of Chapter 35)

Yup, I'm in the mood to update this chapter more. Having said that, I made this whole chapter during English class in my notebook. Only had to rewrite it here. The end, though, I didn't plan. What could the finger measurements mean???🤭

Oh, and I can't update on Sunday. I have a Ghost concert! <3

Bowser x LuigiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon