Chapter 27: The Truce

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[Bowser's POV]

I got up carefully to not wake Luigi up. Why did that damn Mario have to come at this time? I know he was already near the castle, but I wasn't anywhere near the mood to fight.

I left the room and went over to Kamek's room. They were already preparing all the koopa guards. "Ah, sire! Mario is coming extremely close. Aren't you supposed to be in the casual room already?"

I sighed and went to the throne room as always. This same old cycle was boring. I heard the front door opening. It'd be only a few minutes before Mario gets here.

I got up from my throne and stood ready to face him. Hmm, I haven't even had my coffee yet. Wonder what backup he has. Probably a few toads as always, maybe the kongs again? Or some Yoshi's? Hmm.

Finally, I could hear them nearing the door. The doors opened, and I could see Mario peeking through. He entered, alone? "Where's my brother?"

He looked at me angrily. Hmm, what if I messed around? "The green one? Oh, he's already been thrown in the lava." Pfft, Mario's reaction was priceless.

It was like his whole soul had left his body. He stared at me for a few minutes before running at me angrily. He jumped up and struck my face with his fist.


[Luigi's POV] (Sorry😔 I'm not the best at writing fights. Lmao)

The number of noises woke me up. I got up from the bed, changed my clothes to my casual clothes, and went over to the noises.

I opened the door slightly to see... Mario beating Bowser!? I ran over to them and got between them. "Stop fighting!" Well, even if it was probably useless to yell that, they stopped.

"Luigi!? You're still here!?" Mario ran at me and gave me a big hug. I hugged him back tightly, "Of course I am!" He squeezed me tightly, and I could see that he was tearing up.

I could feel myself tearing up a little too, I never liked it when Mario was sad. My mind was more focused on Mario than on Bowser, not because of anything personal. He was just holding me closely.

"Bowser told me you d-died!" He said in tears. What? Me? Dead? I glanced over at Bowser, who wasn't looking at me at all.

I don't really know what to reply. "Huh?" He hugged me even closer, "It doesn't matter, as long as you're alive!" He was squeezing me so tightly I couldn't even reply.

He gently let me go again, and I noticed his "back-up crew" just staring. Wow, they're so useful. I went over to Bowser quickly after.

He was hurt pretty badly. I laid my hand on his head. He looked at me a little ashamed. I was about to check if he was hurt anywhere else on his face, but Mario pulled me off him.

"What are you doing? He's our enemy!" I sighed, "Mario, you know he's more than that to me. Just let me help him." He looked at me for a moment before letting me go.

I went back over to Bowser and looked closely at his face. It did have a few wounds, but none too serious. He tried getting up but fell back down.

I held him, but that wasn't really useful considering his size. I looked over at Mario if he could help me, "I am not going to help you drag that over sized koopa to a nursery." Dangit.

"Could you at least help me get him his his throne?" He seemed to be thinking about it. So I used my special technique that always worked on him and pretended to get sad.

He sighed, and we dragged him onto his throne. Did take some time, but I'll spare you the details. It even took a while to make him sit up right.

I ran over to the nursery room and stole a medkit with extra bandages. When I came back, Bowser's eyes were fully open again.

I climbed up his leg and bandaged his chest. His breath was very calm, but his heartbeat wasn't. I sat down on his leg and opened up the medkit.

I grabbed one of the creams that helps with bruises and closed it back up. "This might hurt a little." I said before I gently put the cream on one of the bruises. I could see his grip on the side of the throne tightened while I did that.

I did the rest of the bruises on his arms the exact same way. Mario was just watching with his arms crossed. Now, onto the scary part, his face.

I gently put one hand on his cheek, not noticing that it had a bruise. Once I did notice it was already too late, he bit my hand.

He apologised quickly afterwards. I just tried not to look at my hand too much, "I-it's okay... I shouldn't have t-touched that bruise."

He gently grabbed my hand with his. "Y-Your face isn't properly taken care of yet." He held my hand throughout the rest of it. Once I was done, he hugged me.

I could see Mario glaring at us, but I didn't really care. I sat on Bowser's lap and looked at Mario, "See? He isn't that bad for me!" He just kept looking at me before replying.

"He literally bit your hand, Lu."

"But not on purpose! He apologised after."

Mario sighed, "Lu, I care for you. I don't want him to hurt your feelings. For all I know, he's bad for you."

"He wouldn't hurt my feelings. He knows what'll happen if he does. So can't you 2 just have a truce as long as we're together?"

They both glanced at each other. "Fine." I smiled, finally no more fighting between the most important people to me. They both agreed but didn't shake hands. Eh, that'll come later.

(The end of Chapter 27)

Luigi is like me, frfr, ignoring all the red flags. Also, a lot of drama happened In real life, which prevented me from finishing this earlier.


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