Chapter 28: Suspicions

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[Bowser's POV]

I only agreed, so I wouldn't disappoint Luigi. Mario seemed to have the same situation as me. What an awkward silence suddenly.

Luigi still seemed proud of our 'truce', and I looked at him lovingly. How adorable to see him like this... so confident.

He laid his head down against my chest. I put my arm around him and smirked. He's so cute... it's almost hard to hold back. Because of the silence, I forgot Mario was in the room, too.

I looked up from Luigi and at Mario's 'back-up crew'. Tsk, that he even called them that. They did nothing except stand there.

Mario walked over to them, said something, and they left. (Mario stayed). He came over to us and looked at us suspiciously.

"Are there any spare rooms in this castle? I wouldn't want to leave my brother again." He asked with a cocky expression.

Of course, I wanted to say that there weren't, but when I saw Luigi's reaction... I couldn't say no. There are always a few rooms available, considering the size of this castle.

Luigi looked up at me excitedly. I looked back at him and rolled my eyes, "Yeah, there are a few spare rooms." Mario smiled in a suspicious way. What was he planning?

"Could you show me?" Hmm, this is getting weirder by the second. He would never ask me something like that. "Ooh! So you 2 can bond together!" Luigi said excitedly.

I sighed, I can't disappoint my Luigi. He hopped off my lap, and I got up. Obviously, I didn't want to show Mario the spare room, but there didn't seem to be another option.

I walked out of the room, and Mario followed me. Hmm, why was he acting like this?

[Mario's POV]

There were just a few things I wanted to tell Bowser, but Luigi wouldn't want to hear them. So, while I was following him, I was planning how to intimidate him.

He opened a room's door. "Before I go in, let me get one thing straight." I got closer to him, jumped up, and pulled him down to my level by his hair. "If you hurt my brother ONE TIME. I WILL make you regret it."

I let his hair go again and looked at him before going into the room. Hmm, it didn't seem too bad after all. I closed the door behind me and laid down on the bed.

Better hope those 2 won't do anything while I'm sleeping.

[Luigi's POV]

I just waited on the throne for them to come back. At least... for Bowser to come back. I was just sitting there moving my feet back and forth.

'I wonder what Mario needed from him. Usually, he doesn't ask Bowser to bring him to his room. He actually never asks for that. Hmm, strange.

Eh, it probably can't be too bad. After all, they now have the truce. I totally didn't pretend to be sad just for them to actually do it, naaahhhh.'

I was casually thinking about what could be happening as Wendy entered the room. She ran over to me, grabbed my arm, and dragged me to another room.

All the other koopalings were in that room, too. I got 'thrown' on the floor. They all surrounded me, and before I even realised what was going on... they had put a dress on me.

It was a beautiful shade of green. They put me up on my feet again, and I realised that they had given me high heels. "Perfect!" They all said at the same time.

Iggy and Lemmy ran somewhere, grabbed a big mirror, and placed it in front of me. Woah, I didn't even look that bad. "What do ya think?" They asked happily.

"It looks amazing! How did you guys get it?" They all stayed quiet for a few minutes and stared at each other, "Don't worry about it." Haha, sneaky little devils.

Wendy and Junior grabbed both my hands, and each put a glove on them. After that, they dragged me along them to the dining room. Right, it was almost dinner time.

Instead of sitting down, they held me in place. 'What was their plan this time? Wait.. Isn't Bowser the one who also eats here? He'd see me in this dress!

I mean, not complaining about how it looks on me. But if he sees me in a dress... what would his reaction be? Would he be happy, would he be disappointed, would he get... horny? Ahhhh!!!'

Junior patted my hand, "It'll be okay. If dad doesn't like it, your clothes are still in our room." Ah, he realised I was overthinking it again. I nodded, and he excitedly looked at the door again.

It took only a matter of time before Bowser opened the door. He stared at me, examining my body. The koopalings ran to their seats and stared at us.

Bowser's eyes kept moving up and down until he kept staring at one spot. "I- W- H- When did- Huh?" His confusion made me cackle.

[Bowser's POV]

God... he looked so... good... so beautiful... so... hot. The way he laughed was so adorable. The number of things I want to do to him right now...

I looked at the koopalings who were giggling their little asses off. Bet ya that they did it. The silence between me and Luigi was deadly until he asked, "So... what do you think?"

There are many things I think that I can't say in front of the kids, but I can tell him that he looks beautiful. "You look incredibly good." He blushed at my answer.

The koopalings each sat down on their seats. Luigi and I sat down, too. I looked down at him... that dress only made me want him more.

Once the kids leave the room, he will be mine... and mine only for tonight. He looked at me, and his eyes darted to the side to show me that the food had already arrived.

Guess I was thinking so much about him that I didn't notice. I turned to the food and ate it, still imagining these things about him.

I looked to the side and saw that he was... gone? "Did any of you see him leave?" I asked the koopalings, and they all shook their heads. Where could he have gone?

(The end of Chapter 28)

I'll be using ' for when it's something they're thinking. :)

I had the best weekend ever, btw! Though, stress from school is getting the best of me recently. Any tips on how to think less? Lol

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