Chapter 14: A busy cage room

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[Luigi's POV]

I woke up, and my whole body was hurting. What happened? Right. I took the blankets off myself and wanted to see if I had any wounds.

Just as I was about to take my shirt off, my door opened. I jumped up and saw that it was just Junior. He ran over and jumped high enough to hug me.

I caught him and sat down on the bed. He was crying his eyes out. "Come on, bud. What's wrong?" It was hard to hear what he replied because of his sobbing.

"Y-you've been a-asleep for t-t-two days!" He sobbed. 2 days? Woah. "Well, I'm okay now! Has it really been 2 days?" He nodded.

I wiped his tears away, "Remember what I said? As long as you can hear me, I'm okay." It brought his smile back. I looked over at the clock in my room and saw that it was 7 pm or am.

Either way, he must be hungry. I got up and carried him to the dining room, I was right. Everyone was sitting there. All seats were taken, except Junior's and mine.

The kids got up when they saw me and ran over to me, hugging me from each side like before. I got down and hugged most back. It felt good to.. have people care other than just Mario.

Once they were done hugging me, they all went back to their places. Junior stayed with me, so I picked him up again. I walked over to his place and put him down in his chair.

I sat down on my own chair, trying not to look over at Bowser. After all, he's the reason I was out for 2 days. Well.. not really.. cause I jumped in front of Mario.. but still! Else, it would've been Mario, who was out for 2 days!

Once we all ate, the kids all left the room. I got up a little after. I'm trying to walk out quickly without making Bowser notice that I'm walking quickly.

Mission quick walk success! Once I was out of the room, I went to my own room. I sat down on the bed after closing my door. Hmm..

I wonder what happened to Mario after I got thrown against the wall. Maybe he got away. Wait, wasn't there a cage room? Right. The room where I used to stay. I still don't understand why they gave me an actual room.

Maybe Junior asked if I could get a better room? Don't think about it too much. There's probably a very good explanation. Though, right now, I should check the cage room.

I got up and opened my door, I jumped up when I saw Bowser standing there. He looked down at me before picking me up. "I have to make sure you won't do anything sneaky."

He brought me to the cage room, I looked around and saw.. Peach.. Mario.. Toads.. Kongs.. no. No!

They all looked at me, and I could see the happiness in Mario's face. Bowser put me into a cage, smaller than the one he last gave me. The cage got dragged up to all the other cages.

I don't like heights.. I held onto the bars tightly before looking where Mario's cage was. What a way to be demoted from a favourite to just another prisoner.

"Lu! How did they get you!?"

I turned over to Mario. He was the one who asked that.

"It's complicated to explain. How did they get you!?"

"Ahh, well, it was hard fighting after seeing you being smacked against that wall."

Right. We both got to the edges of our cages and put our arms out. We were so close to finally holding hands, but his arm was too short.

We both pulled our arms back and sat down. "Well, we have time enough to hear how you got captured." He chuckled.

"I'll give you the short version. Basically, what happened was that I opened my room's door, and Bowser just grabbed me." - L

"You have a room?" - M

"Yeah, crazy right!? I think it was because Junior asked if I could get one. I'm not sure, though." - L

"Junior? Bowser's kid?" - M

"Yeah, he's actually a lot nicer than you think." - L

"Bowser's kid? Nice? Have you hit your head that badly?" - M

"No, no, I haven't hit my head at all. One time, I did, though. But that was a while ago. Junior was actually a good company buddy." - L

"Doesn't it seem weird to have Bowser's kid as company?" - M

"At first, yeah. But after a while, I realised he was much sweeter than Bowser self." - L

"Hmm, seems confusing. They at least didn't hurt you, right?" - M

"Are you talking about today or about the whole time I stayed here?" - L

"Eh, both?" - M

"Well, today, no. But during my whole stay, yes." - L

"They hurt you!?" - M

"Of course they did! They hurt all prisoners, so don't be shocked if they hurt us too!" - P (Peach)

Wow, and here I was thinking Bowser just hated me.

"Ohohohh, the next time I see him, I'll beat his lizard a- uh.. I'll beat him!" - M

Mario looked at me during that sentence. Did he not want to curse in front of me? Typical him.

I was about to say something, but then the door opened. It was junior, so I got to the front of my cage and waved down at him.

He looked up and waved back at me, "How did you get all the way up there!?" He asked.

"Well, the chains pulled my cage up! Is there any way you can get up here, too?" - L

"Not that I know of, I'll ask dad to lower your cage." - Jr

"Alrighty, good luck!" - L

He smiled before he left the room again. I turned back and saw Mario looking flabbergasted. "You weren't joking!?" I chuckled, "Of course not!"

He was still shocked by the fact that Junior and I were actually friends when the door opened again. I turned back to the door and saw Junior AND Bowser!? Oh god..

(The end of Chapter 14)

I forgot to upload this earlier. Stupid me.

Anyways, the green bean's still alive >:D

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