Chapter 32: Where did Mario go?

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This immediately follows the last chapter.

[Luigi's POV]

The door closed, and whoever/whatever did it turned the lights on... and it was....

Princess Peach!?

I gasped out of shock and whispered, "What are you doing here!? Are you crazy!? You could get killed!" A little louder than I wanted to.

"Shh! I just wanted to see if Mario was okay, he hasn't written me a letter yet!" She whispered. "Oh, well, Mario's probably in his room. It's only a couple of rooms from here, I'll make sure that no one sees you. Alright?"

She nodded, and I opened the door. I peeked my head through and looked side to side, making sure no one was there.

When I saw no one, I did a hand signal to inform Princess Peach that the coast was clear.

We quietly went through the hall until suddenly, a koopa troopa guard came from the corner. Oh dear. I quickly, but gently pushed Princess Peach into one of the rooms and went in with her.

She looked confused at first, but then she realised why. I turned the lights on in the room, oh my... Wendy's room!? I quickly turned them off, hoping she wouldn't notice.

"You do know that I saw you, Luigi." - W

"O-oh... sorry. I- uh... I'll leave." - L

Phew, I don't think she saw Peach.

I opened the door, left the room with Peach, and closed the door again. Luckily for us, the guard already passed the next corner. I gently grabbed Peach her arm and took her over to Mario's room.

I opened the door to see...

No one?



"Are you sure they put Mario here?" She asked. I... couldn't say anything... what have they done to him!? This was his room! The room he was allowed to stay in!

My heart sank to the bottom of my feet, and it felt as if my throat was blocked by a rock. No... what... how...

I stared at the empty room. My thoughts were overflowing my mind. I looked at Princess Peach, "H-he's... he's... supposed... h-he's supposed to... to be h-here..." I couldn't help but stutter.

She looked at me in shock, but before she could react, I heard... "Peach!? What are YOU doing here!?"

It was Bowser. I didn't even want to look at him. What if he did something to Mario? Maybe... he hurt him. Or even worse! He could've killed him!

"Oh, I was just here to visit Mario. Where is he?" - P

I looked up then at Bowser. Who seemed troubled by the question. "Him? Oh, he left a while ago."

"Without telling...?" I murmured. Princess Peach looked over to me, "Are you alright?" She asked. I just quietly nodded, even though I'm not.

Bowser looked at me.

[Bowser's POV]

When I looked at Luigi's teary eyes, I couldn't help but feel guilty for what I had done. I tried not to look too much, so I wouldn't make it obvious that I did it. Well, Kamek did it.

But I ordered him to do so. Peach just quietly left Luigi and me alone. I looked at him again. "He... left without... without saying goodbye..." I gently put my hand on his back as he was sobbing.

I picked him up and brought him back to our room, where it'd be more comfortable. I closed the door and sat down on the bed with him.

He hugged me as tight as he could and continued sobbing. I tried comforting him by putting my arm/hand around him.

It took quite some time for him to calm down again. I gave him a kiss on his forehead, "I'm sure he didn't mean it in a bad way. Maybe he just didn't want to wake you up."

He rested his head against me and just closed his eyes. I moved myself so I could lay down on the bed. After some struggling, I was laying underneath him as a kind of mattress.

He seemed pretty comfortable like this, so I kept holding him the same way. Maybe it WAS a bad idea to lock Mario up in a different room... Luigi seems much more upset than I expected.

His eyes were still closed, so I assumed he fell asleep. A couple of minutes later, the door opened, and Jr. entered the room.

He looked at us. "Is he asleep?" He whispered to me. I nodded and looked at Luigi again. So peacefully.

He hugged my finger. And when I looked back at Jr. He was already gone again.

[Junior's POV]

It's time to tell the others what I just saw!! If I'm lucky, they're still like this when they go over to see them. I wonder how they even ended up in that situation.

I ran into the room where we ALWAYS gossiped. "Guys! Guys!" I said excitedly, and they all turned to me. "I just went over to dad's room, and I saw Papa laying on top of him!!"

They all came towards me and suddenly looked at Ludwig, "So you did hear it right!" Huh? Did they say something without me again?

They all laughed, and I just stood there, confused. "You did hear what right?" Then they all went silent and stared at each other.

[Ludwig's POV] (New one, Woohoo!)

How am I supposed to explain it this time... last time, we hid something from him to spare his innocence. It was much easier to lie. Uhhhmm...

"Uhh.... the... uhmm..." Shit!!!!!!!!!!! Now he'll know we're lying! I must come up with something quickly... uhmmm.

"That they were moving a lot at night... I just assumed they were cuddling together like always." PHEW! He seemed kind of convinced by that one. Must protect his innocence before dad finds out that he's no longer innocent.

Well, I could blame him for it if Junior DID lose his innocence. They were the ones who shouldn't be doing it that loudly in the first place.

"Any new updates on Kamek and the Koopa Troopa guard?" I asked to break the silence. "Not really, haven't seen either lately." Was Jr's answer.

"Maybe you haven't seen either lately because they're together!" Wendy said excitedly.

We all looked at each other in a kind of shocked way. Usually, Wendy isn't really into our shipping gossip, but this time, it seemed differently.

"Also, Luigi entered my room today. He seemed to be in a hurry, and I think I saw someone with him! I might've miss-seen it, but I think it was the princess!" Wendy suddenly added.

"Which princess? Be specific." Iggy told her. Wendy thought for quite some time. "Well, I saw something pink, so I think it was Princess Peach."

We all seemed quite shocked by who she'd seen. Then Iggy said, "Well, Mario is her boyfriend, right? So it's probably not that uncommon for her to be here while he's here."

Iggy was right. Mario IS her boyfriend. I wonder why I haven't seen or heard of Mario in a while, though... did something happen?

(The end of Chapter 32)

Most random ending ever, I know. I just didn't want to make you dears wait any longer.

Also... 2 of my friends have found this story... and they're saying I should tell my English teacher about it... should I?

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